Masterpiece in the same way that Daleks think insane, murderous Daleks are beautiful I guess. It's like the troll version of that.Even if all you said was true, it would make Tree of Life some sort of masterpiece, wouldn't it?
Gee, should we listen to some uncouth rube who fucks animals on weekends, or RT which has it at 84%. Stick with Pacific Rim or Battleship, chief. Those seem to be more of your speedThe Tree of Life is the first movie ever made to have no element of subjectivity whatsoever. It is objectively terrible. This movie is bad just like 1+1=2. If you like it, there's a good chance you have a major mental disorder and should be institutionalized. It is so bad that I got AIDS after watching only 30 minutes of it. Once I was raped by an elephant on Rock Hard Weekend while being forced to watch Shelly masturbate to a picture of Camerous's dick which I was also forced to look at, and this movie was still the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
Doubt it, I never watched it drunk.I've tried to watch tree of life like 3 times and each time I've gotten bored and gotten up.
Is it one of those movies that's a lot better when you're drunk? And I don't say that in a demeaning way. Writing for an alternate mindset is a rarified skill.
I was with you until you dropped the Prometheus bomb and lost me.Doubt it, I never watched it drunk.
I guess in a lot of ways, you need to be at a certain stage in your intellectual evolution to understand those types of films. A lot of people watch movies for mindless violence, giant robots or whatnot.
I enjoy the larger philosophical questions that a film poses, which can turn off a lot of people because they think it might be preachy or because they don't get it. The Tree of Life and Prometheus both focus on the question of human existence, and how astonishingly amazing life is, especially complex life such as ourselves. They are both beautiful films.
I think you are thinking of The Fountain. A movie that shares some of its ambitions with Tree of Life but falls waaaaay shorter (it is more gratifying as a narration though, there are characters with lines and a plot that moves forward, etc).