Read the video description below. LOL
3,509,403 views Dec 4, 2019
Breaking News Story - Port Neches man saves countless lives with his heroic early warning of the TPC explosion. After being awakened by an explosion that was felt 30 miles away and blew out widows throughout mid county, Jerry Wayne Plaia, without regard for his own safety, put on his underwear, cinched up his PE shorts and staggered through the Drawhorn cul de sac, warning his neighbors of the explosion that had already blown out most of their windows and doors. By many, he’s being called the modern day Paul Reverie. Generations of students have read how Paul Reverie rode through the town of Lexington shouting “The British are Coming, the British are Coming!” Which provided an early warning of the advancing British soldiers, thereby saving thousands of lives. Much like Paul Reverie, Jerry Wayne stumbled around the cul de sac, yelling in a firm but otherwise severely panicked voice, “Holy Shit, Holy Shit! Fuck! Call 911!” Had Jerry Wayne not left the safety of his home and yelled his warning, this explosion and fire could have raged on, unnoticed for weeks. Several of Jerry Wayne’s neighbors were interviewed on the day following the explosion and they all said that this was the most traumatic and frightening thing that they had ever seen. Many claim to be struggling from PTSD after witnessing the horrifying ordeal. They said the explosion was also pretty scary, but seeing Jerry Wayne in his shorts with no shirt, won’t be forgotten for a very long time. God bless you Jerry Wayne. This Bud’s for You.