Yes, I put all of of .0000000000000000005 seconds of consideration into a video made in the 1960's. Aside from that, butter here is sold in all shapes and forms and weights. Sold by the square, round, or rectangle, and anything from a pat to a load that could sink an aircraft carrier. Further, all butter here is pasteurized so it is safe to use it as a sex lubricant, a medical salve, an emergency ointment, or variously a household topical, and can be used as a spread that can glue houses together all the way up to concrete ships together in WWII.
You doubt me, and wander that I jest; nay...I do not. At one time, butter was this planet's foundation of currency and economic theory.
Laugh all you want at my oddly shaped bricks of butter, but rest well knowing that butter is the glue that keeps us all together.