That cop is beyond a pussy for shooting a dog that size, as well as anyone else who thinks that was justified. Cops like that are why folks like Grismark even exist or post the shit he does. I hadn't seen a picture and assumed it was some 80+ pound monster. A fucking knee high dog and what looks like maybe 60 pounds at best. If a fucking grown man, a trained cop, can't control a 60 pound dog then you are a worthless piece of shit. Sorry no pic but please
worthless cop is worthless.
Cop shouldn't have left the car, cop observed an angry dog, yet put him in jeopardy, forcing a situation that was exclusively caused by his own stupidity, even though he had all the tools to avoid the situation ala loud speaker.
Yet the dog is being blamed for doing what dogs do, bark at strangers. Yeah, let me know if you ever say "get back" to a strangers dog that they'll listen, fucking the stupid here, amazing at times.
Yeah, damn right, cop should have been bit before he even pulled his weapon. That is part of his job, putting himself at risk. If you think differently then you are part of the problem IMO Grims is trying to point out. You don't pull your weapon or shoot and then ask.
Worthless and stupid cop