The Video Thread

Jive Turkey

You three are fucking morons. Feral pigs are a menace to not only the Southern US, but also Mexico. They kill eco systems. Fuck that pig, hope that alligator gets the rest of that family.

You guys need to do some googling before you make dumbass comments. And yes, Feral pigs were caused by humans, I know, but in this case, these particular humans were doing the environment a service. You may as well say, fuck recycling, global warming doesnt exist, fuck endangered species if you are offended by this video.

Edit: Fuck the leopard hunting guy though.

Read the post again, you fucking skid. It had nothing to do with killing feral pigs and everything to do with HOW they were being killed.


Letting them get eaten by the apex predator in that ecosystem? THE AUDACITY!!!!!!
Eh, it was done for a tour. Tour guide purposely set up the scenario. It's not something that just happened.

It's more on the lines of what kind of person are you that you pay to see real life slaughter of any kind, and not for survival, but for entertainment.
Now I'm not blaming the people in that boat, because I have no clue if they knew that was happening.

It's a grey area obviously. Yes this is what the predators would do in the wild anyway, but do you really want to see everything that happens in nature as part of entertainment?

Would you defend bull fighting as well since we are the Top of the food chain, and we kill cows all the time?

It's hard to say for myself because I do hunt for sport in areas where they need to thin the populations, but I can also see the other side of the coin, and why people would be offended.


Confirmed Male
I can't, people are idiots. Feral hogs are a menace, anyway or how to eliminate them from the environment whether for sport, or entertainment is fine. Plain and simple, it is a good thing for the environment, period. And btw, Jive, my post addressed your retarded ass post about how or why. I'm sorry your sensitive ass doesn't like the way the tour folks are helping the environment, but who gives a fuck. The end justifies the means. My post already addressed that, I can't help your lack of comprehension. Try going to a remedial reading class.


Did a warthog rape you as a kid? wtf is going on here lmao

I've never seen someone so passionate about killing warthogs before haha

Jive Turkey

Try going to a remedial reading class.
The irony in ending that mouth breathing, terribly worded, commas all over the place, stream of diseased consciousness paragraph you wrote with this is kind of awesome



Confirmed Male
Did a warthog rape you as a kid? wtf is going on here lmao

I've never seen someone so passionate about killing warthogs before haha
Those are not warthogs first off, and I live in Texas bro. Pigs are out of control down here. I'm very pro environment, and I am not kidding when I say they destroy Eco systems. I have no idea where you guys are from, but in the Southern U.S. (Also Mexico) feral pigs are looked at in the same regard as Mosquitos. Eliminate anyway, how or time.

Jive - I feel sorry for you son. If you cannot understand a couple of sentences that are pretty coherent, nothing I can do about that either. You can't fix stupid. But hey, awesome comeback bro? Pro tip: put some napkins over your keyboard, I wouldn't want your tears to short it out.


I lived almost my whole life between Louisiana, and Texas. Hunting is part of the culture, and when we are hunting I've never heard anyone say I hope I kill a shitload of pigs while i'm out here,lmao.

I have never heard of anyone as passionate about killing pigs as you are in my life.

If you are such a eco warrior, what do you feel about humans.


Confirmed Male
I lived almost my whole life between Louisiana, and Texas. Hunting is part of the culture. We kill a shitload of warthogs, and when we are hunting I've never heard anyone say I hope I kill a shitload of pigs while i'm out here,lmao.

I have never heard of anyone as passionate about killing pigs as you are in my life.

If you are such a eco warrior, what do you feel about humans.
Why do you keep saying warthogs? Louisiana and Texas do not have warthogs or a warthog problem. Da faq? You may shoot shit, but you are not a hunter. I have a family full of hunters, my sister's dad is a guide for King's Ranch during deer season. Hunters tend to know what they are killing...

Lastly, there is this cool thing called Google. If you have not heard about people in Texas, especially hunters not wanting to kill a shitload of pigs, imma have to call BS on your so called hunting experiences.

Edit - ahhh shit, 666 post


Log Wizard
I lived almost my whole life between Louisiana, and Texas. Hunting is part of the culture, and when we are hunting I've never heard anyone say I hope I kill a shitload of pigs while i'm out here,lmao.

I have never heard of anyone as passionate about killing pigs as you are in my life.

If you are such a eco warrior, what do you feel about humans.
I'm a wildlife biologist. On base my Captain instructed me that if I were to see a feral pig down range I either hit it with my truck/ATV or get range control to get some one down there with a weapon ASAP. Dis is right. Whatever it takes to give gators a taste of feral pigs is fine. Between nutria and feral hogs we could really use the gators doing way more feeding than we currently allow.


Why do you keep saying warthogs? Louisiana and Texas do not have warthogs or a warthog problem. Da faq? You may shoot shit, but you are not a hunter. I have a family full of hunters, my sister's dad is a guide for King's Ranch during deer season. Hunters tend to know what they are killing...
I call them warthogs, or hogs.Thats what they always been called as a kid in Louisiana.I never heard anyone say feral pigs in my life, they either say pigs, or hogs.

Yes I'm not a hunter, We just go out and hunt down animals like every other person in the south... I fish also, but I'm also not a fisherman you retard.


Confirmed Male
I call them warthogs, thats what they always been called as a kid in Louisiana.I never heard anyone say feral pigs in my life, they either say pigs, or warthogs.

Yes I'm not a hunter, We just go out and hunt down animals like every other person in the south... I fish also, but I'm not a fisherman you retard.
LOL. They aren't warthogs though. Do you call horses, zebras? God damn are you fucking dumb? Haha. Seriously your post made me laugh. Thanks for that.


I'm a wildlife biologist. On base my Captain instructed me that if I were to see a feral pig down range I either hit it with my truck/ATV or get range control to get some one down there with a weapon ASAP. Dis is right. Whatever it takes to give gators a taste of feral pigs is fine. Between nutria and feral hogs we could really use the gators doing way more feeding than we currently allow.
Yes but do your captain also say I would like you tape yourself killing the hogs so we can upload it our website that's under a paywall?


Confirmed Male
Yes but do your captain also say I would like you tape yourself killing the hogs doing this so we can upload it our website that's under a paywall?
So we are getting to the crux of the matter. You are a whiny bitch like Jive. Makes sense mr. Warthog.


LOL. They aren't warthogs though. Do you call horses, zebra? God damn are you fucking dumb? Haha. Seriously your post made me laugh. Thanks for that.
There all hogs to me bro. Could care less that I offended your vast knowledge of pigs lmao. You are the strangest person I've seen in awhile on this site.

Like I've said I have never seen anyone so passionate about pigs before, lmao. Something must have happened to you involving pigs..Most people in the south could give a fuck.


Log Wizard
Yes but do your captain also say I would like you tape yourself killing the hogs doing this so we can upload it our website that's under a paywall?
You mean that cell phone footage on Youtube? Also, if you looked here's the description:

While touring the Bayou in New Orleans , This big guy took advantage of some very daring feral pigs , it was hard to watch , and one woman on board almost threw up, but this is reality in the Bayou,
Looks like it's all right there. And actually they Army does take hunters money to let them hunt on base and if we had to cull deer from helicopters like I had mentioned to them once, they would've sold some of those gunner seats for money too. Making money WHILE conserving is what it's all about.