with any luck someone will put a few rounds in his chest before he can reproduce.
NeverlosT Golden Knight of the Realm 136 210 Aug 3, 2017 #8,881 with any luck someone will put a few rounds in his chest before he can reproduce. 11 Reactions: 1 users
vGrade Potato del Grande 1,791 2,793 Aug 4, 2017 #8,882 NeverlosT said: with any luck someone will put a few rounds in his chest before he can reproduce. Click to expand... Hopefully a white cop. News has been dull lately
NeverlosT said: with any luck someone will put a few rounds in his chest before he can reproduce. Click to expand... Hopefully a white cop. News has been dull lately
Byr Potato del Grande 3,895 5,570 Aug 4, 2017 #8,883 Aamry said: I mean, he's posting all these videos to instagram? Kinda condemning yourself with all that evidence Click to expand... They are all low tier crimes though. Other than that watch Id bet most didnt report it to police. and because its the video thread, part 2. 21 Reactions: 2 users
Aamry said: I mean, he's posting all these videos to instagram? Kinda condemning yourself with all that evidence Click to expand... They are all low tier crimes though. Other than that watch Id bet most didnt report it to police. and because its the video thread, part 2.
Voyce Shit Lord Supreme <Donor> 8,805 32,563 Aug 5, 2017 #8,887 I don't know if this is worth sharing.... 111 Reactions: 2 users