So I'm a bit nervous to comment on this, cause I am actually really close to this entire situation. But I am glad you guys are saying this. Because when it was first showed to me, I was like umm that doesn't look great but it also really isn't that bad. It will blow over. 2 days later she was on the front page of TMZ, and I was like WTF. The backlash on Twitter was expected because well, it's Twitter. Twitter mob outrage is retarded. She's getting all kinds of crazy threats right now, and the response, in my opinion, doesn't match what she did.
She needs to work with the dog more, there is no doubt about it. The problem was she was trying to make a video and trying to get the best shot, but the dog wasn't behaving how she wanted. And again, since it needs more training she absolutely lost her cool and handled it wrong. But the outrage mob isn't just that the dog was trying to play, people are pretending she took a bat out and beat the shit out of the dog. I love dogs, and I just don't see the huge abuse that people are outraged about. I've even tried to put myself in someone else's shoes as if I didn't know her, and I still think I would feel the same.
I assure you she doesn't hate the dog.