"This is my lawyer. We have over here a document. You guys all know that I'm expecting a boy. Here, look, I have the pregnancy test, you guys know I'm gonna be a dad. But you know what, you guys overlooked an important detail. Here is proof that she isn't 4 months pregnant but in fact she is 6 months pregnant. I just want to clarify a small detail. Here's a document that states that the house is under my name but what is exactly my argument here?"
“As you all know we have been expecting a baby, so I got some documents here to prove it! However, she claims to be 4 months pregnant but this paper shows she’s 6 months pregnant” then the laptop comes out and it shows the other guy and he says something like “that isn’t my child, this party is for these two” as he has his hand on his shoulder. Everyone else is just yelling at the bald dude. The dad (guy in pink) yells at him something like “you motherfucker you were visiting my daughter in my house?!” A lot of the other stuff is being yelled over each other and I can’t really pick out who is saying what, but from what I could translate Miguel just dropped the mic on that bitch and her family.