Drunk playing bumper cars in the parking lot:
WATCH: Suspected DUII driver rampages through Oregon City parking lot, hits 11 cars before arrest
Some of the vehicles were pushed into neighboring businesses, police said, and at least two were damaged.www.oregonlive.com
Drunk playing bumper cars in the parking lot:
WATCH: Suspected DUII driver rampages through Oregon City parking lot, hits 11 cars before arrest
Some of the vehicles were pushed into neighboring businesses, police said, and at least two were damaged.www.oregonlive.com
As a life long atheist, I am finding it harder and harder to stay that way...
I'm not sure how I can without making this a conversation best taken somewhere else.Can you elaborate?
Peterson is a hypocrite on this point and always has been. He's the first to point out the ridiculousness of some of the post-modernist literature. But on the question of god he goes full post-modernist himself with a barrage of word salad and vague non-committal statements. When he's pushed he will never say he believes in the core tenants of Christianity, he just likes the aesthetics/history of it.
He also completely straw mans atheism by mostly only citing Dostoevsky, as if that's the be all and end all. Never once have I heard him mention Bertrand Russell, Thomas Paine, Voltaire, or any other enlightenment thinker. He takes his view from a fiction novel and parades that around as if it's the most important take on the topic.