My parents have a neighbor on Smith Mtn Lake that owns a small chain of pawn shops around the smaller cities in the area. We talked about the pawn shops one day on the boat - this whole process, between the bottom video and the top video - is his major money maker. Not the garbage TV's, Cars, etc. that are brought into the shop. That makes a pittance of money, but mostly keeps the pawn shop in their mind. People will come in and sell their jewelry etc. and he has machines up in jewelry sections that can tell if its gold plated or not, the quality of the rare metal, the size, purity etc. and whatever else it takes to get the materials down to their most basic market price per weight. (Which aint shit in comparison to Jewelry.)
Then in between his gun shop and the Jewelry showroom - he has a small narrow office with gobs of equipment, just like the two videos above and has three people in there making fucking Jewelry out of this stuff. He doesnt sell the rare materials outright, he makes them into generic ass pieces that sell well. Most of his customers are actually customers on Ebay, and they think theyre getting some Kay Jewelers bullshit ring from a Pawn Shop, but instead - its some Jogger chain that got melted down and had a Diamond put on top. Same fucking thing in the end, but talk about making a fucking mint.
Ounce of gold at market price is $1668, right now. A ring, for example, is 1-2 grams of gold. Sells for $800-$2500 depending on what its topped with. A lot of people sell jewelry with rare stones still in them, as weight. So he's getting his diamonds for pennies on the dollar. Lets say he makes all rings with a free diamond and they all sell for $800 at 2 grams of gold - $11,200 bucks out of an ounce of gold for $1,668. The guys generally gets paid anywhere from $21-$33 bucks an hour for the craft and hes spending 3-4 hours on the pieces, not days. ~120$ in gold, really skilled artisan at 4 hours, ~$132, selling at the low end for $800? Yes, please.
Speaking of pawn shops and negotiating: