The Video Thread


<Prior Amod>
Vaguely remember reading that you will be disappointed, as they only try it this once, and eventually mix the teams, even in that same season, because of just how bad it went (for the women). I think it was Lanx Lanx that watched the whole season, and wrote about it, when it was posted elsewhere on the forums, some time ago.

Edit: Just looked it up, and the wiki doesn't say anything about mixing teams. Maybe that was some other show, or I am just remembering wrong.

The Island With Bear Grylls​

yea, there mightve been someone else but i'm sure i wrote about it, cuz this was great reality tv, if you wanna watch it this is the season (save time and skip the mens, boring!!!, i'm pretty sure they alternate episodes, so watch the first episode and every other even episode

this youtube should pop a playlist of all the other episodes on the side

i'm pretty sure everyone got a weekend "crash course" at survival, but heres one of the first clues of extreme "help"

the men make their own bow drill, and as all survival shows will show, the bow snaps in half, cuz the wood is not treated, strong enough

but what do the women get?

an actual fucking bow

whats great is how they showed how many resources, ppl, time they lost via graphics, they started out at shit creek and made an expedition team to find a better place

once they found a beach, they decided to head back, only...

and then, yup they made a small loop, and decided to give up and camp


<Prior Amod>
then after that, they went entirely the other way again, and found another beach, w/ coconuts (everyone says these coconuts were planted there)

so after finding the second beach, they decide to again, leave and find their original camp... and they made another loop

so this time, they decided to camp at the beach and try again...
and made an even bigger loop

by this time it's already been like 5 or 7 days and shit creek camp got tired of dying and waiting for the expedition team, so they decide to find them (everyone forgot how to make fire, after the first time they did for some reason, no fire=no water to drink)


theres even more hilarity like magically piglets just appear out of nowhere, go watch for funzzies

(i'm pretty sure they even hired a native to give em free fish he just happened to have in his boat, lulz)
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