but in the comic it was two twin boys... that doesn't matter. But what does matter is that it was two twin boys, carl and sophia... they basically were a travelling group and these 4 kids all played and were friends... hell as far as they knew they were the only kids alive. hell by this time it was so fucked up, these twins lost their real parents issues ago, and andrea(yea the annoying one) and dale(yea the old guy with the RV) were shacking up and they became the parents of these twin boys and they called them mommy and daddy and shit. fuck sophia(yea barnyard killed sophia) believed to her core that maggie and glen were her real parents... these kids are all kinds of fucked and seen lots of shit.
but by this time they were a traveling gypsie caravan basically, just a group of 15ish ppl and 4 kids a moving community and it was fine. until ben(basically psycho girl) decides to gut his twin brother. now this caravan is deciding... if and who should take care of ben, they don't know wtf a psycho kid can do to them in their sleep. the conversation goes nowhere, basically no one has basketball sized balls to kill a kid, and of course dale and andrea are against it, b/c by now ben is their own child.
so they're just gonna lock him up in his own van and travel with the threat of psycho everyday? now remember carl/sophia/ben (and bens twin) were all good friends at this point and fricking played tag or whatever, they did kid stuff and the adults loved to see this... b/c it brought some kind of "normal" to TWD world.
then carl stops being a shitty character.
carl took out one of his friends, in 1 day carls list of available friends went from 3 to 2 and now he has to take care of his next to last friend, b/c no one in the group would, or can. They would rather travel every night with crazed psycho, in his own psycho van, than live with the sin and guilt of killing a child.
carl did this, he took in that sin and guilt, something even rick, could not do.
oh and b4 you think carl is just as psycho as the kid he killed, a few issues later
they took this away from carl
he will now forever be the shittiest emo TWD character and never have any character growth