They did not show it. The camera was on Tyreese in the house watching Carol old yeller'ing Lizzy.but they didnt actually show that happen, did they?
They wereintentionallymissing them. They even went out of their way to say as much in the show.Seeing how everyone on the roof with their high powered rifles had Stormtrooper aim they should have plenty to be concerned about
Yet every episode we get some overly contrived, stupid zombie encounter. You can make this argument all you want, and it's certainly how I wish the show played out, but it just isn't the case.Yeah, people complaining about the show being a soap opera should stick to their guns and stop watching the show. Darabont clearly intended the comic/show to be about PEOPLE in a post-apocalyptic zombie setting and not about the zombies themselves. Even the name, The Walking Dead, is referring to the living people, not the zombies.
And they didn't show Carl killing the comic equivalent, either. They didn't even really show the baby die just some lines to denote an explosion was happening with the baby in arms. It wasn't really that "brutal" a scene.but they didnt actually show that happen, did they? anyway, im not a a reader of the walking dead comic, but all the panels i have seen posted here have more fucked stuff up being shown than what is shown on TV. the point i was making is that you can get away with being grittier on the comic book because you have a smaller audience who buy your comics because it is so gruesome. people tune into the walking dead for various reasons. not the least of which is chicks who want to watch a soap opera while pretending to give a shit about what their husband is watching. a woman can easily indentify with that girly man running through the woods, screaming "help me help me, im about to be eaten by zombies!!" than they could somebody like daryl who wrecks shit up.
I see this opinion a lot and it gets stupider every time. We're on a message board, should we just circlejerk over how cool the show is? You discuss things, and there's plenty of shit in this show to discuss in a negative light. You don't just excuse the stupid shit because "HERPDERP ZOMBIE SHOW!".To nit pick a show about the zombie apocalypse seems silly.
Well, you also have to remember that playing catch-up with shows that are still running is a hell of a lot easier now a days than it was even ten years ago. You've got on demand services from most cable and satellite providers, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and so on. Prior to all those services people would have had to buy or borrow dvd box sets. Now they can click their remote a couple times and catch up at their leisure.Like 3 million more people watched this season's finally than last season's so the show is obviously resonating with people.
I agree the show has some stupid, overly contrived zombie encounters. Those are the scenes I usually like to nitpick as they are often unneeded and/or could have been shot so much better. But having a few of these scenes doesn't take the whole main focus of the show off the people. And to be fair, they don't even need to have zombies in it for it to be poorly written and overly contrived. The finale was the worst episode of season 3.5 by far and it was because of that stupid, overly contrived "We had no idea you were coming, you just popped in on us, and yet we are going to use hundreds of bullets in a zombie apocalypse and have everyone perfectly positioned to herd you into this one spot after you kill one of our people while you have guys with rifles pointed at you from every which direction and you're out in the open."Yet every episode we get some overly contrived, stupid zombie encounter. You can make this argument all you want, and it's certainly how I wish the show played out, but it just isn't the case.
What if this show had the same acting quality and thoughtful writing of say, Mad Men? How incredible would that be.
They weren't trying to shoot them. Michonne even says this when they get forced into that candle cult room.Seeing how everyone on the roof with their high powered rifles had Stormtrooper aim they should have plenty to be concerned about