If you can manage to turn your brain off and just enjoy the show as it's presented with no critical analysis, it's honestly not that bad. The writing and character interaction gets a little ham-fisted now and then, but I think it does a decent job of portraying relatable scenarios of how people act when experiencing extreme stress and tension.
It seems like some of you want to gloss over the fact that this is a show whose core tenets include the ability of dead people to have completely functional (or at least mobile) bodies after 6+ years of decay and exposure to the elements. In our world, a dead body left exposed to the summer sun would lead to a bacterial infection that would cause such extreme distension of the abdomen that it would explode after a few weeks. At best, this would rupture the abdominal wall and the zombie could no longer hold itself up. At worst, the body would literally separate into (at least) two pieces.
Remember that when you see a herd of a thousand walkers and feel inclined to bitch about the sturdiness of the make shift walls or whatever other minor detail that jumped out at you.