Even if they had stone/concrete walls or moats or whatever, thousands of walkers would doom them if they lingered and didn't move along. It would basically become a seige and the humans would run out of provisions.
So chopping up zombies and covering themselves in intestines season 1 or the well zombie in season 2 or the zombies burning in season 3 wasn't enough, but one little eyeball popping out is?
i get confused with tv/comics now but i'm pretty sure in the comics (not prison) that groups figure out to use cars as a partial wall or at least to reinforce a bad wall since, you can like drive it up to a fence, there are more cool things they do with cars later on
my take on this season? it really just, idk confuses me, it "feels" like this should be season 2, and i think what makes sense for me (trying to work in comics, even tho they've said they are veering away from the comics, they are most definetly using major or will use major storylines from the comics). So for me to make any sense of TWD tv, seasons 2 and seasons 3 did not exist.
now i'm not trying to force the issue that twd tv should be the comics, rather i see that s4 is actually pretty good, i see at least 4 or 5 plot storylines that will be cool and in my mind this is what season 2 and 3 should have been, in essence
season 2 should just be 1 eps:
the group travels, they stop on a road, carl sees a deer gets shot, hello hershel family, sophia ran away. they patch carl up sophia is on amber alert, glenn gets it on with maggie. barn of horrors is revealed, intro sophia zombie, shane dies(this is the WORST mistake they should not have shown that zombies come back even if not bit), half or more of the hershel family becomes zombie food, hello prison.
you really cant expect too much in the way of realistic story writing when the subject matter is zombies which are essentially magical creatures. a realistic zombie apocalypse would be over in 24 hours after they were reanimated because rigor would have set in as well as brain death. so you simply have to allow leeway for dumb shit to take place, if you can accept zombies you can accept that these people are so fucking stupid that they still wont lock the cell doors even in a prison ward full of dying people. the last episode was good in a fun way, of course its just as bad as ever with nitpickity goodness but it was highly entertaining and has caused me to give this one more shot. plus i cant seem to find a goddamned thing on at 9pm sunday nights.
you really cant expect too much in the way of realistic story writing when the subject matter is zombies which are essentially magical creatures. a realistic zombie apocalypse would be over in 24 hours after they were reanimated because rigor would have set in as well as brain death. so you simply have to allow leeway for dumb shit to take place, if you can accept zombies you can accept that these people are so fucking stupid that they still wont lock the cell doors even in a prison ward full of dying people. the last episode was good in a fun way, of course its just as bad as ever with nitpickity goodness but it was highly entertaining and has caused me to give this one more shot. plus i cant seem to find a goddamned thing on at 9pm sunday nights.
yes i agree, still you can allow for some stupidity. but there is a breaking point in what you can accept. i swore off this show because i had reached my too stupid shit limit last season. its still stupid as fuck, but they still put in enough entertainment this week that the stupid was counterbalanced .
im sure nobody believed it, i didnt really believe it myself because i am weak for zombie stuff, but i did try. if Unusual Suspects on ID wasnt running repeats i would not even have come to this thread until probably january.
Stupid people being such bads is difficult to watch. I do not get the people who are gushing over this show at all. I don't think it's "the worst thing ever", but fuck, these motherfuckers need to be a bit less dumb.
Dumb scenarios like the Helicopter on the roof stuff and people making bad decisions in the heat of the moment is fine whatever. People being crazy assholes or there being some psycho about is par for the course. But the immensely dumb crap in their every day lives like letting the zombies build up so much on the fucking perimeter and their all around general terrible security is just enragingly stupid. The sheer amount of basic shit that they fuck up in keeping themselves safe is idiotic and a really awful plot device.
i said this before, rick's group is basically run by hippies. the governor was the one who had his shit together (when it came to security at least). none of rick's people take their situation seriously, that includes rick and daryl. sure when shit goes down rick and daryl come to the rescue slinging arrows and poking with pointy sticks. but if they just took 3 seconds to consider why this shit keeps happening they could organize a decent defense system that would completely remove the possibility of an outside threat. and they could minimize the inside threat by telling these stupid red shirts to shut their fucking doors at night and lock themselves in.
Zombie heads are made of tissue paper filled with pudding and they can be killed through the fence by literally anything you happen to pick up with almost no effort. 1 person couldeasilykill 10 zombies a minute in a rush, even if they were being mega lazy they could do 1 a minute. How the fuck are zombies piling up ever? They showed teams out there on zombie killing duty and they were clearly way behind. Meanwhile with how easy the things are to kill you could just send like 1 person at each pressure point at a time and they'd be able to keep up with zero trouble. 1 person could killhundredsof fence zombies in a single 8 hour shift as they've been presented to us.
Going back to last season this has annoyed me. They show how stupid easy it is to kill the things through the fence every episode, yet somehow there's always piles of the things there at all hours. Even ignoring the point that this prison for some reason attracts hundreds of zombies a week to it for no apparent reason, they should have absolutely no trouble keeping up with the flood coming in.
Ya this is something i'm always screaming. How are these things piling up? If you have one person do it for like 30 minutes a day and rotate so someone is doing it the whole time it is light out there is no way they would pile up. It would probably even be overkill at that. That is not to say the giant pile of walker corpses lining the gate wouldn't become a problem but there is no way they should have so many just sitting out there waiting to cause problems at all times.
yes i agree, still you can allow for some stupidity. but there is a breaking point in what you can accept. i swore off this show because i had reached my too stupid shit limit last season. its still stupid as fuck, but they still put in enough entertainment this week that the stupid was counterbalanced .
You remind me of friends who call their bitch ex-girlfriends a bitch after finally realizing she's a bitch, but then end up taking the bitch back and trying to convince everyone she's not actually a bitch.
Deciding you wanted to start watching a poorly written show again doesn't actually make it better. I wish.
The thing that sucks is if they let the characters be more intelligent (or at least not stupid), then they could create more intelligent threats, too. Instead of every threat being self-generated from idiocy. We could have some human enemies who are actually cunning and scary because of it, as opposed to lame 'he's just insane' direction the governor went.
Or we could have them setting up good defenses, and then having those good defenses challenged by actual threats; like instead of an auto-replenshing mob of 30 zombies at the fence they could have to content with a huge fucking herd. But, instead, we get them being dumb fucks for a bunch of episodes and finally having to face a real threat occasionally, and then it's comical because it exposes the fact most episodes were effectively just pointless filler thinly veiled as drama and the real threats feel wrong because they've been so stupid for so long they seem utterly over-matched and should very clearly have just died.
The writing in the show is the equivalent of the original Batman. Oh no, will our heroes escape the laughably flawed situation they're clearly going to escape from?! Even Daryl coming to the rescue being a badass all the time got old, because at some point he would have spoken up about people being smart enough to not need a last second arrow to a zombies head to save them from certain doom.
Then again, we see what happens to characters with any smart ideas. Last season the black guy picked up riot gear with a scared look on his face as if he knew writers were going to kill him off for having a bright idea when it comes to defense.