The Walking Dead

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Pretty sure you might have heard wrong there.

But I'm no farmer.

There are different types of cattle, some that are Dairy that we get the milk from. Then others that are breeds that give better meat, pretty sure both sexes of the beef cattle are heading for the plate.

With the dairy breeds, the females are kept to grow to maturity and produce milk. The males, mostly become Veal. You don't need too many bulls for dozens of cows.


Millie's Staff Member
Late to the show but just watched the finale a couple of days ago. If I understand it correctly, the new villains are cannibals? They really waited to introduce that subplot, huh.

Been thinking about it though, I remember reading somewhere that we eat cow but not bull because of the testosterone. Does this relate to female humans being tastier than males for the same reason? Any hannibals in here that can answer?
I prefer female flesh over male. Ask michael sam what male tastes like.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Late to the show but just watched the finale a couple of days ago. If I understand it correctly, the new villains are cannibals? They really waited to introduce that subplot, huh.

Been thinking about it though, I remember reading somewhere that we eat cow but not bull because of the testosterone. Does this relate to female humans being tastier than males for the same reason? Any hannibals in here that can answer?
You don't eat bulls because they are studding. We certainly do geld all the extra young males and process them for meat, though.
Who here wants to bet the townpeople that imprisoned them are cannibals maybe with food be scarce or infected?

I made this post without reading the last few weeks of pages it just dawned on me and more think about it the more it makes sense.
I want to be clear did not get the idea from any of you as after just posted this and just now went back last few pages and it seems others came to same conclusion.


> Than U
Jesus Christ, of all the ways I thought it would turn out in Terminus this wasn't even on the list and that isn't a good thing.
So they don't know who they are fucking with... but let's forget you eat people and some of my dudes, have a BBQ and let's be friends, cept if you mess with me for the 20th time I will kill you!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Only for shitty shows. GoT, Boardwalk etc just chug along.

It's one of those stupid things that annoys me, and the fact that it annoys me annoys me even more because I know it's stupid. STREAMLINE ALL THE THINGS!


Vyemm Raider
I kind of wish I could unwatch that trailer. Even as silly as TWD is, that was way too spoilery.

One great thing about torrents and binge-watching shows by season - they strip out recaps and previews. Which means you don't get the "HEY REMEMBER WHEN THIS HAPPENED? THIS TIDBIT WILL BE IMPORTANT IN THIS EPISODE, WATCH FOR IT!" (worse than a goddamn fight scene where the camera keeps focusing on some object that will totally impale the bad guy soon) and "HEY COOL CLIFFHANGER RIGHT? WELL IT TOTALLY GETS THROWN OUT WITHIN FOURTEEN SECONDS NEXT WEEK LIKE A DUKES OF HAZZARD COMMERCIAL BREAK"

Seriously, every show becomes better just by skipping recaps and previews.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member

Just a little over a week to go, I'm looking forward to it . . .

which probably puts me in the minority around here.


Life's a Dream
I'll watch it, but I'm not pumped with excitement about doing so. So I guess put me in the minority as well. Or maybe somewhere off to the side of them at least.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Let the hate begin.

After trying to watch Z Nation, I'm looking forward to this.

Don't tase me, bro.


Musty Nester
My brother said that season 4 got better. My response was, "Well it pretty much had to, didn't it?"

Might be ok if they refocus it into a zombie horror show. He said they killed the worst 2 of the women, so that's good.