You mean like everyone else who just buys the game and launches it? How many hours are we supposed to study this game before playing for the first time? Is your university offering classes?
He tried everything. Sneak approaches, going out of the way (LOL Swimming into the city!) meleeing zombies with a fucking microtransaction weapon. I don't see what else he could have done.
Took me an 15minutes to figure out the game, I did play Dayz tho, so I did already have a general understanding about the game in general. TB killed what, 2 zombies in this video? Did he try too figure out how to kill them? Simply just aim for the head, body shots take like 30 shots, headshots take 7 with a flash light, 3 headshots with a hammer 10+ to the body. Don't all zombie-esqe movies, tv shows, video games, teach you to the aim for the head? This
isan FPS. The guy spent money on a micro-transaction melee wpn then chooses not to use it. Pro-tip
runningaround like an asshole - zombies aggro you like lvl 1 in a lvl 60 zone. How is this any different than lets say Planetside took me a few days to fully understand the game and theres still so much I DONT know about.
and the textures are fucking horrible, he's played on highest detail. How can you excuse these 10 year old graphics?
Put it to you this way, if I only played games based on graphics - I would have missed some of my most favorite games to exist. Fuck you. Trees are meant for camouflage big fucking deal. The game looks fucking fine too me. zzzzz
you mean getting killed by an invisible player because his model didn't load for a whole minute was an invalid complaint? Or the suppposedly "ex-military" character unable to run for more than 10 seconds with an empty backpack without going out of breath?
Alright yeah, I'll give you that. Ironically the next day that bug was fixed and was just recently introduced the week prior in a buggy patch. Sprint is a
resource, jamming down on sprint to get to place to place no fucking shit you are gonna run out of endurance. Sprint prolly last around 30 seconds and takes about a minute to full recharge. If TB didnt get hit by zombies every 2seconds like a fucking moron he woulda been ok. Also there are endurance pots.
Can we get even one example of bad hacking going on in this game? I haven't seen anything, read about anything, anywhere.
The thing most people are butt-hurt about this game is the fact that on the steam page it wasn't 100% fourth coming. It list a bunch of upcoming features about the game that arent currently implemented and showcases them in the steam description page.Steam will more than likely have to hire someone to make sure people do not take advantage of the "Steam Green Light", something that is is community driven to be released on steam if memory serves me right.
Since then the steam page has been corrected and fixed, but the backlash from TB and the community on reddit/steam has probably killed this games potential to grow. What gets me is that people complain about micro-transactions - everything is fucking optional, you dont need shit from the store? It's a full loot PVP game - are you fucking dense?
Or wait you can be like TB buy some fucking shit from the store (even tho you were trying to "showcase" the store) and not know how the games mechanics work and then fucking complain about it losing it? REALLY? Pander some more, please!
The game runs fine, patches are weekly to biweekly. The game is fuckign fun and intense. The only big problem in this game are its hackers. Full loot PVP + hackers in the youtube videos = not fun.