The Wire: Greatest Show Ever Made


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Yeah you dont get it. At all.
  • 1Worf
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I just finished it 2 wks ago, I should have chronicled all the shit here.

There was a definite shift about midway or 3/4 of the way through season 4.

Season 5 it was there. Maybe I was checked out of the show as far as enjoyment at that point, but it wasnt hard to find.

Fuck it.

ohkcrlho ohkcrlho Leon Leon Zzen Zzen Drinsic Drinsic

YOu guys need to get over the emotional attachment you have for this show.


(Not woke, it didnt exist in 2006! Capitalism bad.)

Slate: If you had to sum up what The Wire is about, what would it be?

Simon: Thematically, it’s about the very simple idea that, in this Postmodern world of ours, human beings—all of us—are worth less. We’re worth less every day, despite the fact that some of us are achieving more and more. It’s the triumph of capitalism.

Slate: How so?

Simon: Whether you’re a corner boy in West Baltimore, or a cop who knows his beat, or an Eastern European brought here for sex, your life is worth less. It’s the triumph of capitalism over human value. This country has embraced the idea that this is a viable domestic policy. It is. It’s viable for the few. But I don’t live in Westwood, L.A., or on the Upper West Side of New York. I live in Baltimore.

(Its not political)

Slate: you have said in interviews that the show is designed to be “a political provocation.” Would you consider yourself a social crusader? What, if any, changes would you like to see the show catalyze?

(Here is the "MY TRUTH" aspect of woke)

Simon: So, I regard myself as someone coming to the campfire with the truest possible narrative he can acquire. That’s it.

(Definitely not woke)

Simon: When we finish filming at 1 in the morning, it’s even odds that one of the African-African members of the cast and crew will be detained.

(Lol, its just TV guys, there isnt a message!)

Simon: “But what are we saying?” You get to the end, and someone comes up with a great ending, but you ask, “But what does it mean? What are we saying?” Which is not to say that you want the characters to be devices for your didacticism. But you want to be true about what you say about equality of opportunity.

(Lulz, black people mad they did white people in season 2)

Simon: You know, sometimes people in West Baltimore say to me, about Season 2, “We know you tried to take our show white, but it didn’t work—then you came back to us.” And I have to say, “Dawg, no. The second season was the most watched season.” A lack of audience is not why we left it behind.

(Wow, got a real winner here. Not woke at all. Nothing to see, move along)

SImon: I tell agents in Hollywood, don’t send me scripts unless they’re by African-American writers.

That was just 1 interview, from 1 guy . . . and I skipped all the fluff. But there was more in there. Hell, that was just the FIRST result when looking for anything about it. God knows what I'd find if I checked other interviews etc.

Yeah, Leon Leon if you dont see woke shit in season 5, you need to get that thing re calibrated.


Triggered Happy
The writing suffered a bit in the last season. The serial biter storyline was fucking stupid, they should have made that something Jimmy did on his own. I could see him pulling that shit but he’s too smart to involve anyone else. That was my major gripe with season 5, it just all fell apart cause of that. Even with the poor writing it’s better than 95% of the shit on tv still.

Never got any woke vibes from it at all, not from any season or episode.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I like how I post a bunch of woke shit the writers were saying before starting on season five, from my sample of a SINGLE INTERVIEW . . .

And the responses are "Its not woke".

Lol, you guys.

"It’s the triumph of capitalism over human value." Nah, the wire didnt go woke. Thats just crazy talk!

I'd go dig up more woke shit about this show, but fuck me if I want to be responsible for a few of you trying to suck start a shot gun.

dizzie dizzie doesnt matter if you got woke "vibes" from it, the writer said it was. Lol


Uncle Tanya
I can't tell you a SINGLE character in this show... what it's about... or even what time period it's set in, but after reading the last 3 pages, It's pretty safe to say this show isn't woke and Lach is just being his 87 IQ self with not a drop of humility to his credit.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Fucking hell, critique of not capitalism is not woke, absolute lolz

Literally CRT 101 is that the Frankfurt School wondered why the working class were not rising up to overthrow capitalism, so they decided to turn Marxism (economic class struggle) into cultural Marxism hence "neo Marxism,. And this was Critical Theory that would then go on to influence post-modernism and then Critical Theory.

All Critical Race Theory did was apply the Critical Theory lens/tools/methods to the legal system. And 40 years later people apply those same tools to other systems/subjects to highlight any disparity that favours white people and cry "racism"

And post modernism was born in the 60s, again economic analysis existed before and after

You don't understand it, any of it.

Did you come out The matrix in 1999 and say "woke shit"? The directors literally handed out Baudrillard to the cast

Nobody is arguing the Wire isn't social commentary, we are telling you that you don't understand.

Woke is basically critical race theory and queer theory which examines systems and structures that perpetuate power and privilege by those that wield the power, based on race/gender. The whole point is about power - the Wire is street level shit, both in the ghetto and the police districts and the people getting showered in shit from those at the top with actual power

Again, class struggle (haves vs haves not) has existed for centuries. It's the reframing of that struggle to be about race/gender that is woke

You're literally tanoombaing yourself here, so by all means continue
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Potato del Grande
David Simon definitely a progressive that went retarded with Trump derangement syndrome, but The Wire wasn't woke. There is a lot of material in there woke-tards could point to, but that's the whole point of woke: making everything a progressive cause and exploiting it and warping it to fit their agenda.

The agenda of The Wire is Simon felt being honest with the material made his case for his view on the world, but that didn't dismiss any other view like wokeness tried to do. And it didn't pander to any specific view.

The last season wasn't great, and didn't dig into how corrupt and fallible the news media can be (according to Simon, I think, who said they had more to tell of that story but it didn't make it in). But woke is about intention and pandering, and his intentions seemed to still be to present an accurate and honest view of the subject matter. And he got slammed at times for not pandering to certain demographics or agendas.

Going back to claim old shows are woke us as retarded as going back to revise history like the 1619 project.

Are we going to now say Star Trek was woke trash because it tackled societal questions and had some clear progressive elements?


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I can't tell you a SINGLE character in this show... what it's about... or even what time period it's set in, but after reading the last 3 pages, It's pretty safe to say this show isn't woke and Lach is just being his 87 IQ self with not a drop of humility to his credit.

And +1 mentally ill person.

I'm 3/3 on bellweathers so far.

"I'm with her. Trump was a russian spy."
"I suck dick for cocaine, also happen to be into fucking animals. Normal shit."
"I bolted on tits and think I"m a woman, also unironically and profusely admit I'm mentally ill"

The agenda of The Wire is Simon felt being honest with the material made his case for his view on the world, but that didn't dismiss any other view like wokeness tried to do. And it didn't pander to any specific view.

You dont like the argument that leftists use?

Simon's biases were inherent in his work, aka the wire, and prior to season 5 he made explicit comments regarding those biases.

Hell, this isnt even UNCONSCIOUS bias, its his explicitly stated biases.

(according to Simon, I think, who said they had more to tell of that story but it didn't make it in).

If your talking about that article / interview, yeah, season 6 was going to be all about hispanics in Baltimore. So . . . Lulz.

Woke is not about intention and pandering alone, it is also the permeation of a specific set of ideologies, and how those ideologies are manifested in products (entertainment, corp culture, institutions etc). Shit, this is the bias etc the left never stfu about.

Season 5 was rife with that ideology. Whether you can bring yourself to admit it or not. I saw it as a consumer of the product.

The person that created the product has told you, prior to creating it, they were an advocate for that ideology.

People claiming that ideology was not inherent in the product, whether intentionally or not . . . sure sure.gif

Go read how upset he was that he was a white man making a show about black people. Lols.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
You're like one of those guys that goes to Vegas and plays roulette thinking as long as you keep doubling down you can't lose.


Uncle Tanya
"I bolted on tits and think I"m a woman, also unironically and profusely admit I'm mentally ill"
I don't think or say any of that, thanks for YET AGAIN showing what a dunce you are.

It's bellwether, not bellweather you dunce and you're both spelling it wrong and wielding it wrong. Reminder: I've never even seen the show and never will I'm sure. I just see a guy who every. single. person. is telling you you're wrong and you're dying on this hill.


Because you're a complete dunce, that's why.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
You're like one of those guys that goes to Vegas and plays roulette thinking as long as you keep tripling down you can't lose.


Shit all I need is the fucking raft legume and xeq before I've hit every single bellwether here I know of.


Potato del Grande
Whether you can bring yourself to admit it or not.

Yeah, I just can't.... bring myself... to admit it. Strong argument. You've gone full retard.

Don't worry, dumb asses long before you have tried to argue the same thing: showing a black police officer was the gay agenda looking to normalize homosexuality. It was retarded then, and it's retarded now. The Wire is one of the few shows that just depicted shit that was plausible. A butch ass chick on the police force who is lesbian is going to have some lesbian bitch at home and buy a baby when that bitch wife wanted one. It was horrible television and I hated all that shit, but it wasn't at all out of character or out of place in the show. That's plausibly how some black lesbo cop in Baltimore would be, and higher likelihood some chick on the forced would be a dike.

The dumb thing is the amount of lefturds I've seen hate on the show because it depicted black people poorly and unfairly. But now I guess it's totally woke and they love watching every single flaw of black culture on display? LOL sure. It's totally a hit show with woke people who want to pretend black culture is wonderful and beautiful.

I now expect you to go into ever thread for any show that has ever depicted subject matter that woke leftists have made an agenda out of and retroactively argue those shows were woke agendas.

For instance, Star Trek went woke retarded with Discovery, but now you have to argue there is no 'going' woke, that anything that has ever pushed societal norms or progressive ideals has always been woke propaganda; meaning ALL of Star Trek (except maybe the more recent JJ Abramhams fast and furious in space movies). I look forward to your posts in Star Trek threads that the current, woke-generation shows aren't the only show pushing the woke agenda, but all Star Trek ever always was woke. Go.


Got something right about marriage
I think he's just looking for an excuse to keep saying "Bellwether".
  • 2Worf
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
But now I guess it's totally woke

I didnt say totally woke, just that it was woke.

And it was.

And the writer said it was political, that he had white guilt over even doing the show as a white man.

His staff couldnt even make it home from the set w/o being arrested!

Capitalism has devalued human life! Its not the culture, its capitalism! Lol

Its really interesting there are so many here saying "ITS NOT WOKE" when the guy that fucking WROTE THE SHOW said it, essentially, was and is. That everyone is taking issue with me saying it was, not taking issue with the statements of the guy the wrote the fucking show.

Again, that was just the first single source of quotes. Once you guys really dig in deep, I'll start looking for more. But I want to make sure everyone is fully entrenched in their "THE WIRE DIDNT GO WOKE" position before I put any more effort into it.

Re: Star Trek. Nah, well currently sure. But TNG I would say no. There was a time when progressive was not a pejorative.

You might want to start by finding anyone at all that agrees WITH you, first.

Why? Lol, you fucking herd mentality faggots think I'm like you?

I dont have issue standing alone on an issue. Sometimes I'm right when I do, sometimes I'm wrong.

But its not often I'll care about raw social pressure, consensus etc.

I think he's just looking for an excuse to keep saying "Bellwether".

When I typed it the second time in the prior post I thought about it, but was in a hurry.

Not shocked someone poked at that. Lol

But it does fit.
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Potato del Grande
This derail is blasphemous.

Amod Amod , I submit that this derail should be excised and rickshawed.

While you’re at it, the rest of the thread should probably go in the HoF, since it is in fact the greatest show ever made.
  • 1Worf
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Overall it was "ok".

Season 1 was great tho.
2-3 were good.
4 was meh.
5 was dogshit.
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Potato del Grande
Season 3 is the greatest season of any show of all time.
  • 1Worf
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Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
This derail is blasphemous.

Amod Amod , I submit that this derail should be excised and rickshawed.

While you’re at it, the rest of the thread should probably go in the HoF, since it is in fact the greatest show ever made.

It may be a wrong opinion, but it's on topic, so it stays.

This is just the woke equivalent of TDS.
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