Murder Apologist
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LMAO nah dude... Jenny Klein and that Hailzor cunt were prominent anti-Gamergate SJWs from the getgo. I bet half that writing team is on Damn sure they ALL are rabid anti-GG SJWs---and remember, Witcher 3 was a MAJOR TARGET of the SJWs for being racist and misogynistic and anti-GG cunts like Klein and Hailzor spent their tweets at the time shitting on the "bro-literature" nature of the games and the books.Jesus, with that line up I won't be surprised when Triss and Yennefer are lovers and have only been raped by Geralt.
That entire writing team are "Patriarchy Smashers":

The most important thing to notice about that entire writing room is that there is ZERO CHANCE are gamers who would put down the 30+ hours to enjoy the series or even fans of the source material, quite the contrary, their expressed SJW values means the entire project is yet another foray into injecting vegan hipster cuckfaggot FEELS-AGENDA into another "patriarchal space".
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