The Witcher


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I listened to the first 5 audiobooks in the past month or so. They're really pretty good. Made me understand some shit from the show better, at least.

The problem is the books are way better than the show and thinking back, the first two seasons seem even worse now and annoying convoluted. And first episode of season 3 was so boring I kept falling asleep. Then went back through it and realized I didn't miss much. A lot of weird, forced philosophical conversations.

Now I'm trying to explain things to my girlfriend from the books and she just keeps saying the books sound way better and less convoluted than the show. Maybe it gets better in season 3 but the show is sort of a mess on its own and knowing the source material has made the show even worse. How do you mess up such good IP.
The show runner thinks she is smarter and more talented than the author. They have shown plenty of disdain.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Seems like it would of been smarter to replace the hack writers and faggots than the main fucking character. Oh well not sure if S3 is even worth the time is the story is convoluted retardation.
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<Gold Donor>
Watched all 5 episodes.

i'll preface by saying i never read the books so i don't know how much is canon but just coming from playing the video games and basic understanding of slavic/polish folklore,
what in the holy fuck diversity hires genderfluid batman did they do to this show?

You can see the disdain on henry's face as he's forced to endure scene after scene. He still kills it as Geralt but its not enough to save this convoluted shit story and shit fucking writing.

the major story arc of this first half of the season is Yennifer, who as you recall previously betrayed the brotherhood of mages and all of the northern kings by freeing the nilfgard general rather than execute him for *reasons*, and has been banished/on the run/wanted for treason/etc. decides they need to call a meeting of the brotherhood, but instead of the typical politic, backstabbing etc of normal mage meetings, this meeting should be about unity. And everyone just goes along with this as a great idea. As long as we tell everyone the meeting is about unity then it'll be about unity. Yay yennifer saved the day. why didn't we think of that? Lets just have a meeting about getting along and we'll magically get along. Next week we're going to have a meeting about ending world hunger and so we'll knock that out real quick and end world hunger.

a 4 year old (or rather a female with the logic of a 4 year old) wrote this season.
  • 2Worf
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FPS noob
yeah watched the half season and the scenes with geralt + ciri were awesome, the 2 or 3 monster fights were awesome (holy shit at that 3 woman engineered monstrosity), and I did like all the sexy stuff between geralt and yennifer. the three of them together was also great and what the show should be about. the one or two moments of the Wild Hunt were awesome and its so lame they are draaaaaaging that shit out.

everything else fucking sucked, every other actor on the show is shit, the writing is shit, the budgets have gone down tremendously. the mage ball iirc from the books and games is some fucked up shit where horny mages want to fuuuuuuuck, this shit was super tame and boring. one fake tittied whore says shes horny but thats the extent of it. all the lady mages were super annoying and lame, and goddamn some of them are fat as fuck. how the fuck is someone who uses illusions to maintain their youth and beauty FAT hahahaha

glad cavill is leaving, while season 3 so far is a tad bit better than s2 its still crap. i'll finish the second half just cuz cavill is in it, without him i have zero interest in the show. wife was watching too and she doesn't know yet cavill is leaving, it'll be interesting to see what she says when i tell her at the end of s3. i know she absolutely loves him and is only watching the show for him, she is on her phone anytime he isn't on screen lol
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<Bronze Donator>
Cavill leaving makes a lot more sense now that I learned he will be show running and acting in the Warhammer 40k series. He probably sees WH and rightfully an opportunity to be more "based", or at least less gay.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Cavill leaving makes a lot more sense now that I learned he will be show running and acting in the Warhammer 40k series. He probably sees WH and rightfully an opportunity to be more "based", or at least less gay.
He left before WH40k panned out. It was officially due to Superman needing him, which was right before Gunn came in and fired him along with most of the other Snyder DC actors. The "rumors" are that he quit Witcher because he couldn't stand working with the writers & showrunner any longer. There was some drama around it last year and it should all be in this thread, a few or ten pages back.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
He left before WH40k panned out. It was officially due to Superman needing him, which was right before Gunn came in and fired him along with most of the other Snyder DC actors. The "rumors" are that he quit Witcher because he couldn't stand working with the writers & showrunner any longer. There was some drama around it last year and it should all be in this thread, a few or ten pages back.

This covers it pretty well
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Potato del Grande
This shit is just bad. The books were often about subtext and what was not being said and action informing meaning and pushing the story forward.

Just finished S3E3 and the whole time I was thinking "this shit has to be written by a woman." It's like a weird play where the characters just shift to new sets to melodramatically talk everything to death. It's cringey, chick nonsense. Every scene should start with the writer of that episode, pictured below, bitchily saying "we need to talk."


It's like, the one show that didn't need a ton of dialog and every scene is bullshit confessionals and overwrought, dialog heavy scenes. I blame women for ruining everything and the pussy men letting them.

They should have let Cavil be the lead writer and show runner. Shit sucks.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm making a prediction: Next Witcher game articles will come out on how there's no POC characters and how it's not faithful to the show although it's a video game adaptation of the book.
  • 2Worf
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm making a prediction: Next Witcher game articles will come out on how there's no POC characters and how it's not faithful to the show although it's a video game adaptation of the book.
What makes you think next witcher game won't have that? If they were smart they would make it culturally appropriate to the world, but I doubt it. I don't think polish devs are as immune to western culture faggotry as Japanese devs.

But I might not be giving cdpr enough credit.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I watched all of them and they suffer from the same plague that pretty much contaminates all film today to varying degrees-- poor writing, poor casting, and jarring modern day cultural zeitgeist inserted at every opportunity. You have moments that are amazing-- Garalt's fight scenes primarily that are extremely well done, "feel" like the video game, and instill tension, but then you have totally unbelievable character casting, Katanji tier dialogue, and of course gratuitous gay/lesbo/non-binary shit.

Basically, they kept the white 50 year old special effects and combat choreographer, and then hired a bunch of modern day Sweet Valley High screenwriters to build dialogue/story around the fight scenes.
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Tranny Chaser
I watched all of them and they suffer from the same plague that pretty much contaminates all film today to varying degrees-- poor writing, poor casting, and jarring modern day cultural zeitgeist inserted at every opportunity. You have moments that are amazing-- Garalt's fight scenes primarily that are extremely well done, "feel" like the video game, and instill tension, but then you have totally unbelievable character casting, Katanji tier dialogue, and of course gratuitous gay/lesbo/non-binary shit.

Basically, they kept the white 50 year old special effects and combat choreographer, and then hired a bunch of modern day Sweet Valley High screenwriters to build dialogue/story around the fight scenes.


FPS noob
the really bad part is apparently the next show up is called The Rats and its gonna center around 6 teenage kids we see in the final half of season 3 doing stupid heists and shit.

I'm guessing it'll make Blood Origins look like Shakespeare. If you thought Witcher has been bad so far, just you wait till we get a full CW show version!

hopefully Rats does so bad Netflix finally pulls the plug on the whole thing and cancels the main show and all spinoffs. The Rats spinoff was supposed to film for 4 months and be 8 episodes, but they cut filming down to 2 months (LOL?) and people are speculating its just gonna be a 90 minute movie now instead

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privileged excrementlord
the really bad part is apparently the next show up is called The Rats and its gonna center around 6 teenage kids we see in the final half of season 3 doing stupid heists and shit.

I'm guessing it'll make Blood Origins look like Shakespeare. If you thought Witcher has been bad so far, just you wait till we get a full CW show version!

hopefully Rats does so bad Netflix finally pulls the plug on the whole thing and cancels the main show and all spinoffs. The Rats spinoff was supposed to film for 4 months and be 8 episodes, but they cut filming down to 2 months (LOL?) and people are speculating its just gonna be a 90 minute movie now instead

Laughing at this shit crashing and burning is entertaining at least.