The Wolf Among Us

New Telltale game, first chapter is out for PC.

Fun story (took less than 3 hours) even more streamlined than The Walking Dead chapters but worth it.
I do miss Lee/Clementine tho.

8/10 on Gamespot
The Wolf Among Us Review - GameSpot

Steam (Season Pass for 25 bucks):The Wolf Among Us on Steam


Wow thanks for the reminder. I just finished the first 15 mins of the episode and holy crap did Telltale's production value skyrocket. Everything is so stylized. Good stuff.


Treasured Member
Just got done with this and it was pretty good. Hoping that they can keep up with the feeling of morally grey choices as TWD.


Well, looks like my post got combined with one that already existed. Hmm, even did a search for it and nothing came up.

Oh well! Thanks for the merge whoever did it.

Walking Dead was an amazing game to play and I just started this about 30mins ago. Telltale games have a great thing going right now.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I definitely wasn't expecting that cliffhanger either, since I've read most of the comics and this prequel is canon.

(Don't read this if you haven't read the comics.)
Obviously, Snow White won't actually stay dead, as she's a major character throughout the comic and her 'popularity' makes her basically immortal. Still, cutting her head off is a strange choice for a canonical story unless they have a good explanation for why it doesn't do any permanent damage like when she was shot in the comic.

So far I like it better than I did Ep.1 of The Walking Dead. I guess that's to be expected since I'm a much bigger fan of Fables than I am of TWD. I really hope that Telltale having delayed this game a year and a half will mean that the episodes will actually come out on a ~monthly schedule, unlike the TWD fiasco.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
BTW, if you are thinking about buying the game for a console, don't buy both episode 1 and the season pass. The season pass is listed as an add-on on PSN, but it's actually all 5 episodes. Not sure why the Steam version is $25, but given all the problems I had with TWD on Steam (Telltale's fucked up online DRM and savegame system caused me to repeatedly lose my end-of-episode saves to the point where I had to download and play the cracked version) I opted to buy this game for the PS3 instead to avoid the headaches and save $5 in the process. I preferred the gamepad controls for TWD anyway.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Maybe my expectations were too high or the subject matter just isn't interesting to me, I dunno, but I can't get into this at all. I played for about an hour after I first installed it and haven't even touched it again. :/


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah this was a good game. Looking forward to the next 4 chapters.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Maybe my expectations were too high or the subject matter just isn't interesting to me, I dunno, but I can't get into this at all. I played for about an hour after I first installed it and haven't even touched it again. :/
I thought Fables Ep.1 was a much stronger start than TWD Ep.1 was, but I also think that TWD is a 'good' comic while Fables, like many things on DC/Vertigo, is one of the all-time best. It definitely helps to be familiar with the backstory, even if it does mean that you can't be fooled by certain events that happen in the game due to it being a prequel. It's not as 'accessible' as TWD I guess, especially with the TV show having brought in a lot more people.


NeoGaf Donator
Fables gets a little muddled once they start jumping universes all the time. Not saying TWD doesn't start to drag after a while too.

Game wise I think EP 1. was great, but I think ultimately walking dead is just a better game universe. There's real tension with the zombies because if someone get's bit (or let's say unceremoniously shot in the head at the side of the road) they're gone. Finito. Really makes the choices that you make seem all the more important

With Fables, no one really "dies" so you're essentially playing nigh-immortal beings and there's a pretty clear cut way that all of this is going to end up since it's a prequel. Not a lot of tension. Not saying that I didn't enjoy the story and characters but I wasn't on the edge of my seat.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
With Fables, no one really "dies" so you're essentially playing nigh-immortal beings and there's a pretty clear cut way that all of this is going to end up since it's a prequel. Not a lot of tension. Not saying that I didn't enjoy the story and characters but I wasn't on the edge of my seat.
Snow White, sure. She can't be dead for obvious reasons (the comic) and simply because her popularity would keep her alive anyway. Still leaves the question of what the "killer" did with the rest of her body though, which could be at least part of the mystery Bigby has to solve in the next couple episodes.

Faith and Prince Lawrence (depending on your choices) are almost certainly dead though. The donkeyskin fable isn't nearly well-known enough to keep them alive.

And to be fair, a lot of the tension in TWD went away once you realized that Telltale cheated. You could save one person at the expense of another, but the most it ever did was buy them a little extra time. The choices were fake because all story branches converged back together within the space of an episode or two. I hope they don't do that again with TWAU.


Been checking to see when the next episode is supposed to come out every time I see this game in my Steam library and finally they've set a release date.

From the Telltale president:

Hey guys,
Kevin from Telltale here! Funny that this came up today, as we were planning the announcement of Ep 2, but? no time like the present!
Ep 2 should be available the first week of February. We are working hard with all of our partners (Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, Apple) to coordinate everything, but we?re confident enough to announce that here. The episode is looking really good (as is the rest of the season!). We are very concerned about the long delay for this episode, but this is one of those occasions where several things conspired against us (not to mention the additional delays due to the holidays). I won't dive into the details, but it?s been an unusual and specific set of circumstances and we do not anticipate it happening again as we go forward with the rest of the season.
So there you have it. First week of February!


Get Walking dead 1, 400 days, and Walking dead 2 as well.
2nd this..

I've finished Walking 1, 400 Days, and purchased 2 on sale.. havent played it yet. Got about 20 mins into Wolf Among Us, and I'm not super motivated, but I'm trusting that it'll grow on me.

I went back to Walking 1 to get the achievement (finish chapter 8, I think) that nobody got the first time around due to bug. Played it (4 or so times) 100% according to the tutorials posted to get the achievement, and still no achievement. Kinda chaps my hide that I spent like 3 hours playing the final portions of a chapter of a game I had already played and finished (and an emotionally draining one, at that) and STILL dont have the achievement for it.

That delayed my excitement to start Walking 2, as I re-burned myself out redoing the end of 1.

/rant off