Life's a Dream
at some fucking point they NEED to have his goddamn shit ripped out by Magneto. Its a crime this hasn't happened. That's one of the coolest things to ever happen in comics, wtf?

I have this issue. Bought it brand new, complete with the hologram cover and everything. I should dig it up some day. It's in a box in my basement along with the X-Cutioner Saga (loved that), Maximum Carnage and a few other series that I've collected over the years. A lot of shit happened in my Comic Book collecting era. I have Witchblade 1-50, Spawn 1-100, Savage Dragon 1-150. I used to love Image. But I have tons of Marvel also. Never could get into DC, though, with a few exceptions. I have the entire Batman: Hush series. Mainly because Jim Lee is a fucking boss of artwork.