i just rock the camo gaiters. they keep my face warm. i get all raw in the winter from the cold wind and it keeps the mask nazis from saying shit. its completely fucking useless as protection from germs though. clownworld bullshit.its funny, the mask I use when I have to is this super loose cloth one that barely hangs on my face and the ear loops are nice and super lose.
I might as well be holding a Chinese fan up to my mouth. I'm sure zero protection from covid, but hey its very comfortable!
yeah, i was wondering how there could be lawsuits when the state government says take off the fucking mask. the masks people wear dont do a godamned thing. the microns of covid pass right through all but the highest medical masks and most people are walking around in dollar tree masks or shit they bought on Etsy made by lonely housewives from old T-shirts.
you're working under the assumption that saying you dont have to wear a mask means stop wearing masks, you can do whatever you want, you can wear a mask, not wear a mask or stay the fuck home. when you eat your meal and drink, you're not going to be wearing a mask anyway. as said above, at this theater you may likely drink and eat the entire time. its goddamned virtue signalling and the people they are trying to impress wont be using their business because theyll be too busy ordering Uber Eats and hiding under their beds. its a shitshow. its not stopping a damned thing and we all know it. now they are trying to force some contrived form of control on others when the government says its no longer necessary.The masks aren't meant to be viral protection, just limiters on spread of aerosolized droplets from people. People wearing masks has more to do with them not spreading to others vs. stopping something from spreading to you. Because people are fucking idiots and get others sick all the time because "it's not that bad", so it just makes it so they can't be their own judge on whether they are ill or not. Take COVID out of the equation, people always sucked at determining that. I guaranteed almost everyone here has gotten sick because a coworker came in sick and spread it to them.
Anyways, lawsuits could easily happen because one party could argue that you fostered an unsafe environment based on medical guidance and it resulted in said party becoming ill. Sure, you might have to "prove" you got ill from the business, but it's a lot easier to argue when the business isn't adhering to those guidelines vs. when they are. Or it could be an employee doing it vs. the employer.
Business owner is going to have to weigh which makes more sense. If they feel like the boost in business will outweigh any risks or don't perceive any risk, then maybe they stop doing the mask shit. But plenty are going to consider their market, and staff, and do what makes the most business sense. For instance, if you lower your risk threshold and someone gets sick, but a competitor kept using precautions, then that could work against your business in the same way that someone finding a rat in your restaurant kitchen could hurt it.
i dont even know if the FDA has approved any vaccine yet, if masks worked, then this should have all been over by now and not have some senile doctor telling people , "two masks work for real this time. i swear!" this whole thing has been politicized for a year. its not based on science because the "science" is all over the place. the masks that supposedly work are masks nobody uses and the mask people use are getting soaked with saliva agter a few minutes which nulls the mask and actually can increase your chances of catching something. nobody wears gloves and they touch surfaces and then touch their face/eyes. people adjust their masks with their fingers and contaminate the mask. nobody wears a mask for 15 minutes then disposes of it like you are technically supposed to do. they keep it in their pocket and only use it when they go into a store. the idea of wearing a mask is pointless.Government of Texas (who are trying to conservative virtue signal), not the rest of the country. But right, at restaurants and the theater people are going sans-mask while eating, which is a major reason why many people are staying clear of those locations for now.
Consumer behavior isn't going to go back to normal until people feel safe to do so, and at this point, it will probably only happen when people feel protected by a vaccine.
Any protection they provide is meaningless when youre talking about sitting in a room with dozens of other people for hours on end taking off your mask constantly through out those hours. Its akin to thinking 1 application of sunscreen will protect you for 3-4 hours. And thats not even getting into most people wear either worthless "masks" or wear them in a completely ineffective manner.They limit spread, like sneezing into your arm limits spread of droplets instead of just hosing your fucking mucus into the air.
i dont even know if the FDA has approved any vaccine yet, if masks worked, then this should have all been over by now and not have some senile doctor telling people , "two masks work for real this time. i swear!" this whole thing has been politicized for a year. its not based on science because the "science" is all over the place. the masks that supposedly work are masks nobody uses and the mask people use are getting soaked with saliva agter a few minutes which nulls the mask and actually can increase your chances of catching something. nobody wears gloves and they touch surfaces and then touch their face/eyes. people adjust their masks with their fingers and contaminate the mask. nobody wears a mask for 15 minutes then disposes of it like you are technically supposed to do. they keep it in their pocket and only use it when they go into a store. the idea of wearing a mask is pointless.
i have a mild OCD too, so i never touch my face unless my hands are clean, i wear gloves and make sure i am not around people acting sick, then again i always do that stuff, well the gloves i added after this gay shit started. but literally nobody else i interact with does this. the mask is not inhibiting a spray because its spraying built up saliva making things worse. i rather take my chances without a silly mask, but i will continue to be careful as i always am. others do not and its because of this that any point of containing any real or imagined virus is a farce. i respect you and i know you mean well, but we arent society. we are a bunch of anal retentive nerds. the only way this is going to go away is through a herd immunity because thats how it works and has worked for hundreds of thousands of years. if people keep staying home and afraid, its delaying the inevitable.The FDA had given "emergency" approval for the Pfizer, J&J, and Modera vaccines. That means they haven't undergone the normal scrutiny most drugs have to go through, but the data provided by the manufacturers is sufficient enough to allow for it under current federal guidelines for the COVID vaccine (which started under Trump and Biden has continued).
Regarding the other part, everything you described is "user error". Like dumbasses who lick their fingers while counting money. Yum, bacteria and fecal matter! Then again, I have legitimate OCD so what seems like common sense to me in avoiding dirty shit seems like rocket science to everyone else.
The idea is to decrease risk factors. It's like herd immunity, except instead of immunity it's just making sure enough people are taking steps to mitigate risk of spread. And again, the primary purpose of the mask is to catch the shit you spew out and reduce the density of droplets in the air. And maybe intercept some droplets in the air vs. you breathing them in. But density of droplets increasing decreases the chances of that being the case.
Just like the theatres themselves, this thread has been killed by covid.I thought I clicked on a thread about Theaters for a second.
A lot are wanting to see Alamo go up in flames, apparently it has a lot of metoo skeletons in the closet
Alamo Drafthouse Reputation In Tatters As More Allegations Emerge
Alamo Drafthouse claimed the cinematic high ground. Now, once again, allegations have surfaced that leave it's reputation in tatters.www.lastmovieoutpost.com
Do the legal, civil and moral right thing is now virtue signaling? Hot take brah.Government of Texas (who are trying to conservative virtue signal), not the rest of the country. But right, at restaurants and the theater people are going sans-mask while eating, which is a major reason why many people are staying clear of those locations for now.
Consumer behavior isn't going to go back to normal until people feel safe to do so, and at this point, it will probably only happen when people feel protected by a vaccine.
Same here. Ain't It Cool News was the best place for movie info and reviews until they started getting high on their own product. Once the reviews started to become a game of referencing other reviews and reviewers to drive site traffic I gave up on it. Also, Harry's reviews were trash.Harry Knowles LOL, haven’t heard that in forever. His website used to be the go to for movie news back in the early 2000s. That site is where I first heard about Alamo Drafthouse.