no, you are thinking Chryslers hehe. I had a friend who fancied those. He was a raging alcoholic and drove drunk and was convinced a big early - mid 70's land boat gave him the best odds of surviving anything. And yeah, that's the gas mileage for those tanks. The back seat was like a room, not a seat.
But power steering and brakes was standard in the mid 70's. The dart btw gets an easy 35 mpg highway.
But it's clear we are tackling things inefficiently here. And if this ragtag group of idealistic kids who just might make it is good at anything, it is efficiency.
The OP began (at least) with the following overture, which has beckoned forth all the sprites and spirits of the forest:
SO: older I get + more liquid assets I acquire = how can I live cheaply? Let's summarize this as A(age) + L(liquid assets) ---> C(cheap life).
A + L ---> C.
The value of both A and L are increasing -- the OP is not getting any younger, and he is happily not getting poorer. And, he wishes to live cheaply moving forward.
But even given these stipulations, why C? If I grant A and L, I do not see why C is implied. I'm sorry. It does not necessarily follow.
Unfortunately, the OP is of little help here. He tells us
Yeah, that does not really help some of us.
I've been mad as hell since cellphones. That was my "ejection button" moment. Beam me up Scottie. Fuck cellphones, your brains are all controlled now and you do not even realize it, and the thing is, not only are you fucked by a cellphone, there is a high likelihood your mother was fucked by a cellphone and you smiled as you watched your daughter get fucked by a cellphone for the first time.
But that stuff helps no one.
We need to define our respective objectives. The OP tires of working for the social marxists corporatists (who are clearly inside his head at this point) and I weary of cellphone world. Maybe other people have positive reasons! Stamp collecting is an amazing hobby if you can be disciplined enough to really get a nice collection going. Cheap living is a deft move if one wants to really pursue philately.
So, we got A and L and C, and the reason for C is highly variable, the value of L is variable, and the location one is in the A spectrum is playing a role here.
A few questions would help us all.
Why do you want to live cheaply?
a) planet
b) social marxism
c) cellphones
d) other
How is your L doing?
a) most excellent. I had a very nice inheritance.
b) a decent return on much hard work, quite pleased.
c) are you kidding me? My entire industry turned into Chernobyl this year.
d) other
Where are you in the aging process?
a) This is it, you only get one chance at it buddy, and I for one intend to have zero regrets in life.
b) I work out, I watch what I eat, I'm not stupid, the divorce sucked but I am ready to fuck again.
c) Regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention.
d) other