Titan has been cancelled.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't understand what people are saying about GW2 having fucked up the classes. Just because there aren't trinity classes?

The loot is bland but at least they succeeded in making every stat potentially useful for every class.
Some classes were (are?) totally useless from any point of view, they bring absolutely nothing to a group, except dps, which others do better anyway. There was a trinity, for PvE at least, and it was warrior+mesmer+guardian. It brought the best dps (also lots of cleaving), the best survivability, the reflects (required to do some high level fractals), all the buffs and debuffs required (might/vulnerability, fury, swiftness, aegis). There is no way a speed group would want a necromancer or a ranger at that (at least ranger had 1 useful group buff), thieves required awesome players or they exploded, same for elementalists and so on and so forth.
Classes like engineers were very fun (unless you used grenades, then they were very clunky), but had very few reasons to be brought along.

Conditions caps were another disgrace, effectively blocking several specs from being functional (not useful, just functional) in any large event and even in dungeon groups, you could use only one playing those specs, the second risked to be at 50% efficiency because the game couldn't handle the awesomeness of condition stacking.

Stats you say? Well, for a good long while (1 year?) all you wanted was berserker gear. Crit and crit damage ruled the scene, you had dodge with invulnerability frames and the occasional aegis to handle everything else. It was with the introduction of Tequatl that Soldier gear or equivalents were becoming useful: hits were one-shotting people left and right in zerker gear and boss was crit immune.

The game offered the best and unrivaled levelling experience, an awesome and vast world, beautiful characters and animations and a decent variety of skills, but the grouping was bland: 4 other players or 4 bots would have made little difference, all you cared about was self-surviving and stacking might and vulnerability, with a few notable exceptions (e.g. reflects).

Of course if you are talking about PvP, what I wrote is invalid, but I don't care about PvP.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. spvp was slightly more balanced, because there was as lower stat cap. And less options for runes, jewels.
You couldn't get 3-4k power, which totally obliterates cond scaling. And of course same with crit and crit damage.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I had no idea where to post this, but i fucking had to, so its going here.

Saw this while browsing the Darkfall forums.



Molten Core Raider
I like how he zooms the camera in on it in the first video, like he's amazed there's a living creature in that fucking den of iniquity.


Molten Core Raider
Yea, that looks about right when I picture the type of gamer that plays DFUW. I'd love to see random photos of the R99 playerbase. My friend keeps me informed of R99 server drama and it blows my mind that men in their 20s and 30s are so goddamn emotionally invested in a freakin' EQ emulator.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Thank god he didn't show his poop sock... or himself. I am sure he was a goblin cocked troll of a human being.


P99/R99 are fine - just play the game and enjoy yourself. If you want to sample forumquest with people that don't even play and base your decision around that experience, well, that's pretty stupid.


Molten Core Raider
I played R99 for a few weeks -- long enough to get a warrior and enchanter to the low 50s and do some small-scale PVP. I couldn't deal with it, but I played primarily sober. If I wanted to rely heavily on social interaction for my content, I'd play Eve. If I want to PVP, I'll play LoL or CSGO. If I want to farm loot, I'll play WoW/PoE/D3.

R99 just has no appeal to me -- it has like 100 concurrent users on and they're all a bunch of bittervet Dumars. Competing to be the best Dumar of them all is not a goal of mine.

My R99 friends occasionally try to get me to play again; sometimes they accuse me of being a filthy casual carebear. They're totally right, I am these days. I accuse them of living in the past and basing their self-worth on what 100 Dumars in a dying video game think of them. That's about the end of civil discussion. I have a wife and other shit going on now. I've realized that the ability to Alt-F4 at any time with little to no consequences has increasingly been a mandatory factor of anything I'm doing on the computer. "Old-school" "hardcore" MMOs do not value that, so I don't value them.


My R99 friends occasionally try to get me to play again; sometimes they accuse me of being a filthy casual carebear. They're totally right, I am these days. I accuse them of living in the past and basing their self-worth on what 100 Dumars in a dying video game think of them. That's about the end of civil discussion. I have a wife and other shit going on now. I've realized that the ability to Alt-F4 at any time with little to no consequences has increasingly been a mandatory factor of anything I'm doing on the computer. "Old-school" "hardcore" MMOs do not value that, so I don't value them.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
r99 was a lot of fun, have a 50 paladin parked there now, no desire to return. i can't neckbeard hard enough as an adult. So I'm Darkfalling for a while, which is meh.

If teams99 launched (it won't) I'd be all over that though.


Thank god he didn't show his poop sock... or himself. I am sure he was a goblin cocked troll of a human being.
He looks relatively normal for a basement-dwelling teenager with a crush on his dog.


Although, it appears his previous dog (the one in the clip) shook off its mortal coil.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I heard that guy cleans out hoarder houses for a living and that video was a troll, apparently has a smokin hot girlfriend.


I just used the name on his YouTube channel to find him on Facebook. His Cover Photo is the same dog in the clip, fairly confident that kid isn't some trolling lothario.