

How did I know before coming into this thread that Sean would be in here doing everything he could to bag the game. If it wasn't a Microsoft exclusive he wouldn't give a fuck.

Game runs fine on Xbone. Only slow downs I see are due to connection from Aus.


I'm just calling out Column and his bullshit and lies. The numbers don't lie, that's all. And a drop to 35 FPS is not fine, especially if they want to increase the resolution past the horrible shit that is 792p.

And when the fuck did we get so complacent that a brand new machine running a game at sub 1080p is "fine"? Especially as low as 792p.


I'm just calling out Column and his bullshit and lies. The numbers don't lie, that's all. And a drop to 35 FPS is not fine, especially if they want to increase the resolution past the horrible shit that is 792p.

And when the fuck did we get so complacent that a brand new machine running a game at sub 1080p is "fine"?
Xbros in denial


I'm just calling out Column and his bullshit and lies. The numbers don't lie, that's all. And a drop to 35 FPS is not fine, especially if they want to increase the resolution past the horrible shit that is 792p.
Fair enough. Numbers are numbers. But if this wasn't an exclusive you wouldn't be digging for these facts. You clearly have no interest in the game. I don't see you in all the other threads with games that have sub-par FPS or sub-par graphics. Your soul purpose here is to use bash the Xbox one.

edit: Vinyyard I'm clearly not. As I've said numbers are numbers.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dunno. I had two friends pre-order it. They normally hate FPS, but the bots give them something to do.

I don't understand it, but....
Oh no doubt it is going to sell very well outside the usual FPS demographic, but is it enough to get folks to pony up for a xbox one? I don't think so, considering a superior experience can be had on a mid tier gaming PC.

Beef Supreme_sl

Game is very solid, great even.

It is, however, not the game "everyone" thought it would be. It's not graphically stunning, yet it looks good. It's fun and engaging, but it's not "the next big thing".

I will buy it on the bone because it's fun. When I'm done playing it, I'll put it back in its case and move on.

This, though:


Never gets old.




Mr. Poopybutthole
The more I play, the more I'm enjoying it. I do like the capture point game mode a lot more because I don't feel at a disadvantage for not being in a Titan.

With a group of 2-6 buddies this would be even more fun.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah with 13~ or whatever maps it will be quite a bit better. I'm also assuming there are more weapons, attachments, and unlocks.


Vyemm Raider
It's like people forget what beta is, i seriously doubt they've shown the majority of their hand with just this beta. Also for what the game is its alot of fun and still better than the current CoD by quite a wide margin. No chance for it to sell like CoD but it will sell well no doubt about it.

Few FPS dips? big fuckin whoop.


It's like people forget what beta is, i seriously doubt they've shown the majority of their hand with just this beta. Also for what the game is its alot of fun and still better than the current CoD by quite a wide margin.
1. Where have you been the last 15 years of gaming? A beta ~2 weeks from release is 90% gold for 99% of games released.
2. The CoD prior to the latest CoD was better than the current CoD. That's not saying much at all other than you're grasping at straws to justify liking the game. Which is cool. No one is judging you for enjoying a mediocre game. It's your time and money after all.


1. Where have you been the last 15 years of gaming? A beta ~2 weeks from release is 90% gold for 99% of games released.
Exactly how is that your point when they lock out 90% of the game from the populace in almost every open beta.
He is saying we haven't seen the whole game yet, and you are saying the game is gold.

Where you born retarded?

Did you even play BF4 before it's launch on the PC... You act like this is the whole game they are giving us 2 weeks before launch.
Where have you been for the last 15 years? Obviously not playing any games

FYI I know you haven't played a game since the super nintendo, but you can actually patch games now. Going gold meens jack and shit, when there are Video game companies doing major revisions on the first fucking day,,,,

My personal opinion only based off the beta is it is a very fun game, but it's not the next Halo 2/3. Those type of games come once in a blue moon.
If it launches ,and all the content they put is off the hook, I may change my opinion based off that.

Performance wise, the beta has been a solid experience on both Platforms, much better then most games betas imho.


Vyemm Raider
1. Where have you been the last 15 years of gaming? A beta ~2 weeks from release is 90% gold for 99% of games released.
2. The CoD prior to the latest CoD was better than the current CoD. That's not saying much at all other than you're grasping at straws to justify liking the game. Which is cool. No one is judging you for enjoying a mediocre game. It's your time and money after all.
2 maps and 3 gameplay modes - I know where i've been but i'd like to know how much cum youre guzzling coming up with this shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I got the Burn Card for a Spare Stryder, so naturally I made a quick custom Titan and spawned it immediately. Chaingun of course.

Holy shit, is it fun. Popping the Dash Core and screaming across the map fleeing from the enemy Titans when they finally dropped was fantastic. It's a really fun Titan to toy with, but it can't take damage for shit. It's a shame that its execution is so cool, it's so hard to get close with it to finally see it.

Of course the next game the opposing team spawned an Ogre, but that's okay.


Exactly how is that your point when they lock out 90% of the game from the populace in almost every open beta.
He is saying we haven't seen the whole game yet, and you are saying the game is gold.

Did you even play BF4 before it's launch on the PC... You act like this is the whole game
I'm saying it's practically gold, yes. You're not going to see major revisions at this point. Save the day bug-squashing and tweaking, yes. A patch to add much needed mechanics to add substance, no. Yes, I did play BF4 before launch (albeit quite little before my laptop finally died) and the BF4 beta strengthens my point more than anything as the majority of the features were in game at that point. Did the game change much between beta and BF4 feature-wise? No. Visually? No. The only major changes I remember are the numerous bug, crash fixes, and balancing patches.

I saw enough in BF4 beta to know that 2-3 months after release the game would be great. I've seen enough in Titanfall to know that, save the first DLC/expansion, the game will be quickly replaced by the first next gen FPS. Add in the rest of the mechs/weapons/maps - the game isn't going to change to be miraculously as grand as even 1/4 of the hype made it out to be.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there isn't going to be a miracle patch day 1 or day 30 to make this more than a slightly better CoD, albeit a more repetitive one.


I'm saying it's practically gold, yes. You're not going to see major revisions at this point. Save the day bug-squashing and tweaking, yes. A patch to add much needed mechanics to add substance, no.
Miracle patch? is your ability to comprehend things so low you can't wrap your head around the fact you've seen very little of this game yet.
At what point will that sink in? You're commenting on a game that has exactly 2 maps, and 3 battletypes in an open Beta.
I can guarantee you are so much of a nobody it won't matter what you think.

BTW Beta BF4 PC was a fucking mess performance wise, you obviously did not play in it.

the game will be quickly replaced by the first next gen FPS
The next game up is Halo for the console market, so on sales maybe, but based off there current track record 343 has yet to prove themselves.
We can already see how bad a FPS can be with Killzone. Nobody plays that fucking game.

Jury is still out on Titanfall. It will either be wildly popular, and support a tournament scene, or die out like the rest of the new games.
To proclaim that you know what is going to happen is asinine. Based off people just playing the Beta alone there is allot of traction right now just for the launch.


Vyemm Raider
I'm saying it's practically gold, yes. You're not going to see major revisions at this point. Save the day bug-squashing and tweaking, yes. A patch to add much needed mechanics to add substance, no. Yes, I did play BF4 before launch (albeit quite little before my laptop finally died) and the BF4 beta strengthens my point more than anything as the majority of the features were in game at that point. Did the game change much between beta and BF4 feature-wise? No. Visually? No. The only major changes I remember are the numerous bug, crash fixes, and balancing patches.

I saw enough in BF4 beta to know that 2-3 months after release the game would be great. I've seen enough in Titanfall to know that, save the first DLC/expansion, the game will be quickly replaced by the first next gen FPS. Add in the rest of the mechs/weapons/maps - the game isn't going to change to be miraculously as grand as even 1/4 of the hype made it out to be.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there isn't going to be a miracle patch day 1 or day 30 to make this more than a slightly better CoD, albeit a more repetitive one.
What the fuck are you talking about? The bearer of bad news? The only game that needed a miracle patch was battlefield because it was an unstable piece of garbage that was released WAY TO EARLY! Titanfall is solid as can be. If it's not your cup of tea then good for you, but I can say with 100% certainty that Titanfall is going to have a larger crowd than BF4 for years to come.

Fuck man even if Titanfall could be considered lacking in substance (which I personally don't consider it to be) the fact that you're comparing a game that's on its millionth iteration to the release of a brand new IP speaks volumes!


After playing it some more at the beta level cap, I really like the fast gameplay for like 20-40 minute bursts where I don't have to think too much. I have some gripes, and I probably won't buy until a sale because of them.

-Burn cards feel fucking dumb to me. They give situational advantages depending on the mode (ie- starting out with V-core boost in last titan standing, or instasummon for hardpoint) that feels like they imbalance things from the start, and micromanaging them between every match is irritating bullshit. I don't know why they needed to add it in.

-Hardpoint is the only mode I really like so far. I don't feel like the titan combat is very engaging or interesting, so I typically just call mine as a distraction and set it to autopilot. Attrition mode is boring and those bots needed to be players or actually fight back. Who wants to have a race to see who can shoot turkeys the fastest?

-Gunplay is the same kind of lame, "3-shot a dude on the other end of the map with your laser-accuracy SMG" as the cod games.

Despite all that, I think it'll be a pretty fun casual pick-up-and-play sort of mindless TDM sort of game. The same niche the cod games used to be for me. I'll snag it when it hits 30, most likely.