I banged over 100 women in my life, im approaching 200 at this point.
This advice sucks.
I've banged over 101 woman in my life, i'm approaching 201 at this point. feelsgoodman.
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I banged over 100 women in my life, im approaching 200 at this point.
This advice sucks.
Yeah, I got off social media about a year and a half ago myself. It's just toxic, both the people and the effect it has on people. Life improvement for sure.I deleted all my social media other than Linkedin like a year ago. Even in my general life it's hard to explain that because the reason is literally that I just got tired of it and didn't want it anymore. But nobody believes this for some reason and get nearly offended when I tell them about the LinkedIn instead lol.
God forbid I don't use facebook right?
No you didn't miss anything. What I posted was a dig at Titan.What was wrong with your [maybe?] ex-wife? Are things still working out? Have I missed multiple posts about this already somewhere else?
Do any of you find something that most people probably consider to be a minuscule difference to be monumentally important to you? Being a live music fan or music snob is a huge thing for me. And here in SF, you meet so many Burning Man people and that is a red flag. Burners typically don't like good music. They are dogshit EDM fans. It's at the point that I've added to my online dating profiles that I hate that scene. That's even ignoring people that only know Top 40. Ugh. How do you settle for this?!? I can't even comprehend.
Does that need a guide? Anyone with some retard phrase tattooed above their tits will do.When can we expect the Titan's guide to picking up a bad bitch?
What if you're looking to pick a good man?
I'd assume the same criteria would apply.What if you're looking to pick a good man?
You have no idea the depths of my depravity.You wanna kiss that mouth for the REST of your life?
No it's the reality of sexual relations. Marriages have ups and downs. For one having sex with a lot of partners makes it less special. It becomes an act, not an expression of love and a special kind of closeness. This psychological effect is present in both multiple partners and masturbation to porn. Degeneracy is a problem, whether sexual, drugs, or general immorality. I'm not insecure in the least, I've had plenty of partners and am above average in bed. As I've matured I believe having too many partners has affected how I approach sex, and I've definitely seen this in my wife's views of sex. The stated number of 10 has been written about, I wouldn't say it's a hard and fast rule as much as a guideline to what you get when you go far over it.So your main problem with #1 is that a woman might have had better sex than with you? Sounds like some healthy insecurity.
Infowars and heritage.org are used as sources for that article.Sexual Promiscuity: A Link to Divorce and Unhappiness
This is a good read.