I didn't see Minka Kelly anywhere. Seems odd they wouldn't include her, since at least a few people would recognize her more than some of the other actors I'm sure.
So much for moving away from dark and gritty, huh? Looks interesting, and I'll watch at first I'm sure, but I dunno if I need another gloomy DC show, just with added fucks!
I was never into the Teen Titans, was always more focused on Marvel and the X-Men, but Starfire was always without a doubt one of the hottest superhero chicks. I don't care that the actress is black, because technically she should be fucking gold anyway, but that chick is objectively ugly to me, and her hair, while I guess sort of close to the comic book version, is super fucked up as well (and honestly just looks like yarn to me), so I don't know if I'll be able to sit there and watch it and not be constantly annoyed by what could have been. Her whole outfit just looks fucking terrible to me. I don't need the comic book outfit, and that would probably look pretty stupid, but maybe something that doesn't look like she just got done working a corner for her pimp?