They are fiercely protective
No, they're just rude, uneducated, clueless idiots trying to get money while sitting on their asses. Christopher, Tolkien's son, never accepted his father sold the movie rights during his lifetime. During Jackson's LoTR filming, it was reported Tolkien refused to meet Jackson (because he didn't get the infamous "last cut" veto), adopting a passive-agressive stand whenever news from the production came up. They also disavowed the latest Tolkien biopic because "they weren't consulted". "Consulted" here means "we're on any set 24/7 and we're gonna add more Rohirrims now".
Tolkien Estate sued Jackson, New Line and basically everyone involved in the LoTR project for "default to contract obligations" or "mistrust". They lost most of the case and agreed to some undisclosed settlement regarding royalties. Which here literaly means "here's money, now shut the NDA up". Which Tolkien Estate years later responded by trying to circumvent the NDA during The Hobbit production, saying it's a new IP (they also lost). It's rumored they're now trying to sue on the '"emotional" angle, citing The Hobbit negative reviews as a dent to Tolkien legacy.
Now there's debate about Chris Tolkien, an old man at the time, being seriously ill advised (yeah like the Rohan King and Grima hehe) or just an out-of-touch bitter chap. While not having solid money coming from the movies, his estate would thrive on the publicity ; books, games, merchandising, etc. I understand being the son of Tolkien is a heavy burden, there's a lot of complex stuff going on, especially when major things happen, and it's definitely hard to honor your estate. Acting like an utter cunt about everything is something else, expecially when you have no influence at all about the final product ; Jackson's LotR was awesome, The Hobbit was awful and both these productions have little to no impact from Tolkien's Estate.