Tom Clancy's The Division


Karazhan Raider
Damn. I'm extremely surprised with this game. If it has content I'm sold. Fucken cool as setting. Runs smooth as shit on my pc. If there's heaps of gear to get and heaps of content it's got the base it be awesome. I'm just worried they are going to pull a destiny and literally have NO content. Please baby jesus have content.
Destinys content at release was actually pretty good. The problem was the DLCs had shit for content and made previous content obsolete


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Destinys content at release was actually pretty good. The problem was the DLCs had shit for content and made previous content obsolete
Destiny may have had content, but the entire make up if the content was shit. Nothing varied with missions. The Taken King had decent mission content, or at least even a LITTLE bit of variety. I still think that entire game was a sham social experiment to see how little something could be in a game and watch people still get suckered to pay. Lowering the bar even further. I would have loved to have played the original version before all the cuts and edits.


Destiny may have had content, but the entire make up if the content was shit. Nothing varied with missions. The Taken King had decent mission content, or at least even a LITTLE bit of variety. I still think that entire game was a sham social experiment to see how little something could be in a game and watch people still get suckered to pay. Lowering the bar even further. I would have loved to have played the original version before all the cuts and edits.
I can't disagree more.

The original game was fine inside of their vision, they never wanted a story mode it was always the players who were their story.Everything that came after it has been a mess, and as soon as they put in the cash shop it was over. That dev team has completely given up

That being said, Destiny has one of the largest communities in gaming right now so none of us represent their audience.


French Madman
Funny thing, on a french gaming forum, some guys where complaining that all the streets were basically a grid with large avenues and because of that the level design sucked and the devs were lazy.

We promptly sent them a Google Map of midtown Manhattan and that shut them up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hows the actual shooting mechanics in this game? Video I saw of it looked kind of stilted and a lil slow, not nearly as smooth as Destiny (course what games are) but it makes me a little hesitant to buy it when it comes out.


It's role playing game based. So think Socom, or like GTA5 multiplayer etc.

This is nothing like a FPS game, it's cover based 3rd person shooting.


Silver Knight of the Realm
The echo story / quest system is the titts. Just a cool feature. Overall even though this beta is limited it's cool on many levels and we are having fun. Try the hospital mission on hard.


Tranny Chaser
On both the PS4 and the Xbone the icon tooltips are too damn small / indistinct. Especially with respect to the directional pad and things like R3.


Ancient MMO noob
So there is a single player campaign?

How does its multiplayer work? Bunch of people join the same map(room) just like other games?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The echo story / quest system is the titts. Just a cool feature. Overall even though this beta is limited it's cool on many levels and we are having fun. Try the hospital mission on hard.
Yeah I just ran into one of those. I think I'll need to play this more before jumping to conclusions. I liked the echo I found. What I also like is opening up the map and being able to join friends or go see where thy are at. That's something that is really needed. Shooting mechanics will take some getting used too after playing very many fluid shooters. There is still something off about it. Compared to other 3rd person games like max Payne or gears. The UI is convoluted as hell. That will take some getting used too as well. But I'll blame that on me vein new at the moment. I only just tried the hospital mission solo and realized I better learn how to play first.

I'll give them this though right off the bat. The atmosphere is spot on. Definitely worth more play time in the beta.


FPS noob
Its a game worth $40 or $60, but its not a game you will still keep playing after 3-4 months unless you never played diablo3 or destiny or haven't played an MMO in like 10 years. Its really obvious all the end zone missions/DZ bosses are going to be massive bullet sponges with endless waves of underling enemies, no different at all than the Destiny philosophy. The loot is a lot more varied than Destiny since you have tons of mods but I am pretty sure there will be a gally and icebreaker in this game too which everyone will want. It has the same problems Destiny had where shotguns are super OP in PVP and are going to feel kinda worthless in PVE since an enemy who is near you means you are probably dead.

Its disappointing you can't level up in the DZ, so you have to first hit 20 in PVE running story missions (pretty easy) and then level up to 20 in DZ doing PVP (pretty easy). Then what, though? I am 90% certain there is no other real end game content other than gank other players in the DZ and run the last 2-3 missions in hard mode for ... well, crafting mats and maybe a shot at better mods? I don't think there is any sort of raid, or skirmish arena PVP areas or anything like that. Which is sorta refreshing, its a DayZ/Rust/etc kind of "players make their own end game" situation, but if you want a DayZ or Rust experience with all the extras those things provide (minecraft building, real item scarcity, perma death) why not play those games instead of The Division...

Also the lack of classes is nice in that you only ever really need to create one character, but it also limits how much replay you will have. The only reason to really make extra characters is some bullshit roleplay reason, I guess? Unless there will be no way to reset talents/perks, but we don't have access to any of that in beta.

After 8 hours how many people are going to continue playing in beta? The number is extremely low I think. And thats the problem you will hit when you hit 20/20.

Also I think they may be opening the beta for EVERYONE today, at least on PC. Open up your uPlay and see if the Division icon is there.


Bronze Squire
While I do think the environment is really cool, I feel like the DZ needs some work. It is entirely too easy to be max rogue and have everybody hunting you down since you are visible to all. The part that bothers me in particular about it is that once I am rogue even if I am just defending myself and not actually starting fights I basically can never not be rogue. I hate this aspect. I am not sure how you would implement this but I feel like the game should know if I am defending or actually attacking and base the timer on that (if defending no reset on timer, etc).


Vyemm Raider
according to old dev interviews the game was "supposed to have ATLEAST" 8 player content on release.

The Division - Loot, Late-Game Content, Combat Other Questions Answered - UbiBlog - Ubisoft®

old interview, and as of late i know alot of shit was cut but they havent mentioned any of the actual end game except for this recent interview that makes it sound not appealing at all.

Guy makes it seem like at max level all you will do is same missions but on challenge and then pvp? Um i hope thats not the case - they need to give a real statement on the end game or i may even skip it too - Destiny ATLEAST ha VoG - and whoever said it had content must be kidding - Destiny content was as much a joke as its story Y1 - TTK helped it go a step in the right direction but Destiny at launch was very light on shit to do. Most people made due but making 3 toons to run the raid 3 times a week, In contrast if division has alot of random events mixed with a good amount of story line missions that will be multiple times more than what you were able to do in Destiny alone thanks to all the side missions and random pop up encounters. However that alone with no endgame shit in place is not a buy for me. I like many others will churn through content at a rapid pace and find myself bored without shit to do after i max level and gear out.



FPS noob
destiny had those same random encounters in the form of public events, no one gave a shit about them after a week just like no one will give a shit about random encounters in division. Destiny also had a really solid PVP game with many maps, meta games, and the addition of iron banner and trials really upped it. Nothing like that seems to exist in Division, but that does seem to be by design.


Vyemm Raider
destiny had those same random encounters in the form of public events, no one gave a shit about them after a week just like no one will give a shit about random encounters in division. Destiny also had a really solid PVP game with many maps, meta games, and the addition of iron banner and trials really upped it. Nothing like that seems to exist in Division, but that does seem to be by design.
Public events in Destiny were identical on every planet - There was and still isnt any variation at all, and likely wont be in TD either really. However the PVP is questionable for release, alot of the maps didnt fit the play style of the mode and had to be tweaked a bit and honestly at that time people were pvping because there was shit else to do bc you'd alrdy done everything by L15 or so and the story made balls for sense.

The Dark Zone in beta is alrdy more fun than Destiny initial pvp just bc its larger in space and you can run around in squads hunting down others for sport and when its fully opened on the full scale release i imagine it will be even more hectic and frantic. Sure some may like the more structured approach to pvp in Destiny but i think alot will take an immediate liking to Dark Zone just bc you can grief and create mischief.

In either case pvp as endgame is bad, and replaying the same missions as endgame is lazy - Im wondering just how much is cut to be repackaged as paid DLC - it seems they are being Tom Clancy's The Destiny.


Buzzfeed Editor
Pretty much cleared all of the beta content tonight with my wife and a friend, and had a great time.

-The graphics and performance are really good. Yes there is a downgrade from E3 2013, but it still looks great, like a 2016 title should. It also runs smooth at 60fps on my 970 and 4590 with everything maxed minus a couple minor settings down a notch.
-The attention to detail is pretty damn amazing. When I went into apartments and such, each one feels unique, not cut and paste, and the way there are so many objects around in the environment and whatnot really helps with the immersion. Also how you can just walk into stores off the street and they are fully modeled and detailed. It's amazing how a game can cram so much stuff on the screen like this, and then you have games like H1Z1 where each house is a copy paste and has a table and 3 chairs and a bed and you still get massive FPS drops. They really pushed the envelope in this regard.
-There is very little repetitiveness in the world as each street even has it's own "theme" whether it's a hazmat street, a street which had a traffic jam when shit hit the fan, an army street, little korea town, a christmas decorated park street, etc etc. They really fleshed out the world.
-The time to kill isn't bad on PC. I was a little worried about bullet sponge enemies, but compared to Xbox videos I have watched, on PC I can clear firefights a lot faster being able to aim with a mouse.
-Supposedly they will be adding free content as time goes on. Will believe it when I see it, but it's nice to know hopefully not everything will be DLC.

Thoughts and concerns
-I am a little worried about the extent of content. As I said, with my wife and friend we ran through the entire beta content, including exploring all of the Dark Zone, and gearing myself in a full set of blues, in about 8 hours. Granted this is only a small portion of the game, is there going to be longevity and stuff to do? Will there be a carrot?
-I hope that there are more unique type weapons deeper in the game. There are a lot of weapons with "more better" stat, but having some unique properties would be nice, ala Diablo 3. Hopefully set gear as well.
-Hopefully they add more enemies and chests to Dark Zones. Right now, towards the end of the night, our group was running around for 5-10 minutes at a time between finding enemy NPCs. Word is that servers were bugging out tonight, as supposedly earlier today there were enemies everywhere, so I'll just have to wait and see on that one.
-I know Ubisoft is the publisher, but Massive is the creator of this game. I wouldn't compare it to the same level as other Ubisoft games like Watchdogs or AC Unity. This is already much more polished in beta.

I have pretty much come to the conclusion, that I have been looking at this as an MMO-lite, when I need to be looking at it (probably) more as a single-player coop type game with some PVP and probably get my moneys worth out of playing 80-100 hours or whatever length it ends up being. And if I look at it that way, really I have no problem justifying the purchase, because I did have fun, time flew by, and other good single-player games I pay $60 for and play 20-30 hours and feel I got my money's worth. If they do end up having enough content that it is MMO-like, similar to Diablo 3 or such, then it is just added value, but as it stands it is fun with friends. Also, you can get this on right now for like $35, and supposedly the next Nvidia promotion is The Division, so ebay will have cheap keys for sale as well. For $30-$40 this will be a definite buy for me.
What kind of blind fanboy are you. Most of the apartments copy pasta. Can't tell you how many bedrooms had the same wheelchair in the corner. The street's are sorta different, but not by much. I dont get why they made such a point of hyping up, OMG YOU CLOSE CAR DOORSSS. They give you a lot of stuff that kinda is cluttered visually but it's hardly that much depth.


Useless lazy bastard.
destiny had those same random encounters in the form of public events, no one gave a shit about them after a week just like no one will give a shit about random encounters in division. Destiny also had a really solid PVP game with many maps, meta games, and the addition of iron banner and trials really upped it. Nothing like that seems to exist in Division, but that does seem to be by design.
Destiny have solid PvP? It has an unbalanced mess that turns on todays flavoured weapon together with supers that are laughable from a balance standpoint. Also, without dedicated servers its a fucking joke. See the same guy clip past you over and over while killing you (and your hits dont register at all) is super fun the first 100 times but it gets a bit boring after a while. This game at least seems to have dedicated servers so its already better in a lot of ways.


Vyemm Raider
I like Cruc it just gets old, and TD pvp is very different, but imo its more intriguing? fun? suspense driven? take your pick but its a bit more enjoyable.


Log Wizard
So pro tip: get your squad. Set off a drop zone. Wait for players. Wait for helicopter. Wait for retards to gather around the extraction. Grenade them all at once.

It's a great way to get Rogue 5 instantly. Then the REAL game begins with a fucking 5 minute+ manhunt of everyone vs. your team and everytime you hit/kill some one you reset your time (which is way too fucking much). But if you make it out of the timer you get a fuckton of DZ cash.

Also, the Gallahorn of Beta is called the Cadeceus and can be found in the DZ safe zone for 3100 DZ bux.

They do need a Battle Royale style though where you can wager your weapons and gear or some shit. I'm sure they'll have some incarnation at some point, but I'm guessing it's months down the road when everyone has been done for quite some time.