Tom Clancy's The Division


Lord Nagafen Raider
Until they change SMG's being THE gun, every challenge mission I do with PUGS looks like:

Eh, I like my vector and it's good in a pinch, but for overall useful damage in PVE, nothing really seems to beat a well modded M1A. 500k headshots too stronk.


what Suineg set it to
Eh, I like my vector and it's good in a pinch, but for overall useful damage in PVE, nothing really seems to beat a well modded M1A. 500k headshots too stronk.
Shit. OK, I can deal with Grandpa Garand's baby brother.


FPS noob
Eh, I like my vector and it's good in a pinch, but for overall useful damage in PVE, nothing really seems to beat a well modded M1A. 500k headshots too stronk.
just depends on distance to target and how mobile it is really. my vector 45 is doing 70-90k headshot crits per bullet and its 40 per mag with a very high ROF, thats 2-3m dmg or so in around the same amount of time a sniper rifle usually gets 1-2 perfect headshots. but yeah for any target greater than 20-30 yards a sniper is better, but you get 4 guys with SMGs and stuff just melts especially if you rotate the dmg increase/mitigation supers and pop 4x smart covers.


Log Wizard
Yeah, everyone and their mom is running Vector/M1A. It's literally the "top build" for PVE and, perhaps, PVP. I do 500k headshots too, but I don't have Balanced and sometimes I'd rather blindfire a shotgunner from behind a desk and melt them in one clip rather than to fall back and try to snipe or full-auto-snipe them.

If I don't give up on the game I'm going to try a blind/headshot cooldown LMG build and possibly an ammo refresh shotgun build.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, everyone and their mom is running Vector/M1A. It's literally the "top build" for PVE and, perhaps, PVP. I do 500k headshots too, but I don't have Balanced and sometimes I'd rather blindfire a shotgunner from behind a desk and melt them in one clip rather than to fall back and try to snipe or full-auto-snipe them.

If I don't give up on the game I'm going to try a blind/headshot cooldown LMG build and possibly an ammo refresh shotgun build.
Is there a pattern for the M1A? i have the custom M44 pattern but dont think i saw the M1A yet.


Vyemm Raider
Wow for anyone who didn't know if you get the Face Mask pattern (High End of course) and craft one with the ability that heals you for 2% of your life per second during a status effect it's bugged. If you flash bang yourself with the skill, or do any other status effect on yourself you'll notice you have the green healing signs emanating from you permanently even after the status effect dissipates.


Vyemm Raider
Wow for anyone who didn't know if you get the Face Mask pattern (High End of course) and craft one with the ability that heals you for 2% of your life per second during a status effect it's bugged. If you flash bang yourself with the skill, or do any other status effect on yourself you'll notice you have the green healing signs emanating from you permanently even after the status effect dissipates.
Shhhhhhh - its not the only broken HoT effect tho.


Trakanon Raider
Wow for anyone who didn't know if you get the Face Mask pattern (High End of course) and craft one with the ability that heals you for 2% of your life per second during a status effect it's bugged. If you flash bang yourself with the skill, or do any other status effect on yourself you'll notice you have the green healing signs emanating from you permanently even after the status effect dissipates.
And if that 2% heal happens when your are in your last bar of life it also triggers the Critical Save talent (increase damage resistance by 40% for 10 seconds.)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Is there any point to doing any of the missions through match making? In theory it sounds fun but after doing a simple level 3 one its starting to seem like more trouble than its worth.


Golden Squire
It's a very valid review. The game does have a lot of short falls but it does at least have some room to grow. Personally I enjoy the combat dynamics so it's purely subjective how much mileage everyone will get out of it.

I do wonder why Ubisost insist on bullshitting about every single one of their games. At this point it can't just be fobbed off as them having to dumb down the product for consoles and more just blatantly misleading the consumer. It didn't effect me because I had little to no interest in the game prior to release but I can imagine how pissed off people might be able watching the videos they touted at E3 events.


Well I suckered myself into getting it for a simple reason. There are no other cover/shooter type games out with an RPG element that is worth a damn. I have this craving for this type of gameplay and ME3 MP is no longer good enough for me.

For me The Division scratches that itch. I just wish it was a better game. It has potential but the devs would have to build a very significant amount of features and content into the game over the next 12 months to prove people wrong. Sadly I don't have any faith in that. What they have listed for the rest of this year is fairly minor stuff in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't even sound like the story would progress but hopefully I'm wrong.


FPS noob
yeah game definitely scratches that rpg-loot-grind itch that hasn't had a similar game since destiny. Its too bad the story is pretty shitty, until I saw the AJ review I didn't even think about how little the virus is really involved in the story. We see the aftermath of everything but never really see the virus do its thing and it felt a bit silly that just putting on a stupid mask somehow makes me immune to a disease that will wipe out 90% of the infected. Especially going through the contaminated zones, like the typical trope in every movie of this genre is somehow the mask slipping but nope my dude is not worried about that at all. Also totally agree with Joe that the Tom Clancy name probably hurt the game more than helped, by forcing it to be super realistic it made all the enemies, items, and guns kinda boring.

his rant about the helicopter boss was spot on too, that was one of the dumbest "boss" fights i've ever done and it was the final mission too. Its interesting seeing the metacritic on the game, its gone from like 91 on launch day down to 81 now, even Taken King is higher now at 86. I'd rank destiny and taken king as better games than Division but just because i love scifi way more, I could see how someone who likes realism prefers this.

for console players game trades into best buy and gamestop this week @ $30, and if you put the money towards a PSVR after tuesday at gamestop you get an extra 20% bonus


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Im not totally dismissing the game, as I think this model can work if refined.

This is like a crude offering that can improve over time via patches and updates but nothing more. Hopefully they will release more games like it, and improve on the bad or broken aspects.

Imagine this game but the entire map was a pvp zone with safe zones speinkled in. Or have a more robust link between pvp and pve with queued groups of teams fighting to complete objectives.

Im more bummed out about the blatant abuse taking place with loot and rewards. Its sad.


what Suineg set it to
You mean it can improve by offering mediocre content through season pass and DLCs slowly over the next two years for tons of money?!?!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You mean it can improve by offering mediocre content through season pass and DLCs slowly over the next two years for tons of money?!?!
lol yea sadly. Thats what is crazy now, Ubisoft gives zero fucks they sold 7 million copies or whatever so they dont really even have any incentive to improve the game. Devs can release unfinished, untested, and unbalanced games without much concequence.


Golden Squire
Okay, I can't seem to find the answer to this. Are weapon talents only applied when you are using that specific weapon? Some specifically say things like:

"Headshots with this weapon have a 5.50% chance to apply the Blind Status Effect".

But others are broader terms like:

"Weapon damage is increased by X% for 10 seconds after using a skill".

Seems important because I never use my sidearm but it might be worth making the high end blueprint if I can get value from it.


FPS noob
there is definitely a matchmaking glitch that allows 8 people to be in any 4 man instance. I don't know exactly how to reproduce it, but I matchmade for todays CM, got into a group but was kicked from it while in the loading screen. When I finally loaded up there were 4 people (white) in the same instance as me at the beginning. We ran through for a bit, then I turned my group from friends only to open and the matchmaker invited 3 more people so we had 8 people in the Lincoln Tunnel CM and zerged through it quickly.

At the end the leader of the first group restarted the CM and all 8 of us teleported back to a fresh new instance and could run it again - I don't need any more pC thanks to BK farming so I gave someone else leader and left.

So yeah, something about matchmaking, kicking a person during loading screen, and maybe starting the instance/encounter before you kick allows up to 2 teams (maybe more?) for CMs...

its a raid, after all!

feel like i'm done, my gear loadout isn't great with a lot of shitty stats and i don't have a HE sniper yet but i'm all orange, baby


Yeah what it says is what it's supposed to do on the item.

The problem is there are so many things broken right now nobody knows if some of these things are even working. For example Scavenging is apparently broken and does nothing. Or the base %, which we don't know, is so low that adding an extra 200% to it amounts to a tiny fractional change to the drop rates and therefore it's pointless.

The game was definitely pushed out early on purpose. They probably had trouble getting some of the features working on the console and gutted the game entirely. Witcher III did the same but with them it was almost all visual stuff as opposed to major features. DA:I is perhaps a better example where major features were entirely removed from the game and a shell of their former selves was left standing.

I'll tell you right now no developer wants to release a shitty game. The publisher probably got sick of the delays and told them to release it or get fucked.


Trakanon Raider
Been playing on and off with a friend, finished the main story but not done DZ yet (level 3). Though that review makes me wonder. He lost 8 keys, 2 levels, 3 hours of exp and 130k DZ credits for dying as rogue while gaining 2k DZ credits for surviving a manhunt as rogue?

So I just just view the entire DZ map as a high level PvE zone then? Can't see anyone PvPing with those risks.