Tom Clancy's The Division


Yeah this looks like a first balance pass for a Beta build. Hell there are unfinished games, that I might support lol, with better balanced weapons or at least not worse.

Anyway has anyone readthis article?It's a network engineer with past gaming experience on games including Titanfall. I think it's a no bullshit assessment and worth a read. A far better read than the bullshit you normally see in gaming rags and forums.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I just can't wrap my head around games that go from 0 to 60 with loot imbalance. Upgrades should feel like accomplishments. The first 10 levels of drops should do single digits in damage. You should start with dirt and have to scrap and scrape your way to greatness -- that first green drop should be a miraculous moment, as should the first blue, and the first purple, etc.

Instead you hit a certain point where HEs are exploding like confetti, weapons are doing millions in damage, and every green, blue and purple that drops gets insta-deconstructed... eventually you like a game to get to that point... but that point shouldn't be less than A MONTH AFTER THE GAME IS RELEASED.

For me, what happened to the loot in this game is the biggest travesty of all. I can deal with the niggling bugs and exploits; QA is never perfect... but for a loot system to be this utterly jacked up from day 1 demonstrates a shocking amount of ignorance on the Massive/Ubi's part.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah this looks like a first balance pass for a Beta build. Hell there are unfinished games, that I might support lol, with better balanced weapons or at least not worse.

Anyway has anyone readthis article?It's a network engineer with past gaming experience on games including Titanfall. I think it's a no bullshit assessment and worth a read. A far better read than the bullshit you normally see in gaming rags and forums.
I read similar on IGN this morning, and does not look like something that can be fixed easily - im glad this isnt happening on the xb1 but wow thats fucked and im pretty sure some people called this out in beta on this forum and other places too and they claimed it would be fixed by release.



Golden Squire
I just can't wrap my head around games that go from 0 to 60 with loot imbalance. Upgrades should feel like accomplishments. The first 10 levels of drops should do single digits in damage. You should start with dirt and have to scrap and scrape your way to greatness -- that first green drop should be a miraculous moment, as should the first blue, and the first purple, etc.

Instead you hit a certain point where HEs are exploding like confetti, weapons are doing millions in damage, and every green, blue and purple that drops gets insta-deconstructed... eventually you like a game to get to that point... but that point shouldn't be less than A MONTH AFTER THE GAME IS RELEASED.

For me, what happened to the loot in this game is the biggest travesty of all. I can deal with the niggling bugs and exploits; QA is never perfect... but for a loot system to be this utterly jacked up from day 1 demonstrates a shocking amount of ignorance on the Massive/Ubi's part.
I can't wrap my head around the fact that gear caps are already being met so quickly, who would design a system like that?

Last two days of pugging Russian Embassy & Power Plant are very telling of the current situation, a few weeks back these were difficult encounters and now they're an absolute breeze.

If you have a properly balanced team with 2x strikers, sentry and tactician you should easily smash everything, having a tactician alone will add massively to an entire teams dps.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So what is the opinion on if this game is worth it? I'm kind of in a lull until Overwatch comes out and the new Path of Exile season starts.


Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
So what is the opinion on if this game is worth it? I'm kind of in a lull until Overwatch comes out and the new Path of Exile season starts.
Not at 60 USD, no.

Maybe if you can bargain bin it for 15-20 USD sure. ATM the game is a mess.

Stats are untrustworthy 100% - So many UI bugs and general coding bugs are in the game that stats are completely untrustworthy and the sad part is I can't just list out the problem stats as there are too many.

Gear is untrustworthy 100% - They are "rebalancing" a ton of weapons

The Story is very stale, the few side stories that would have been fun to explore were ended before the player reaches level 20. The main story trails off at the end hinting at DLC "Finishing" their overall story.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not at 60 USD, no.

Maybe if you can bargain bin it for 15-20 USD sure. ATM the game is a mess.

Stats are untrustworthy 100% - So many UI bugs and general coding bugs are in the game that stats are completely untrustworthy and the sad part is I can't just list out the problem stats as there are too many.

Gear is untrustworthy 100% - They are "rebalancing" a ton of weapons

The Story is very stale, the few side stories that would have been fun to explore were ended before the player reaches level 20. The main story trails off at the end hinting at DLC "Finishing" their overall story.
That was the basic impression I was getting from reading reviews online. Thanks for confirming. Guess I'll continue to just play Civ5.


Golden Squire
I do enjoy the actual gameplay a ton but at this point joining the game anyone will be at a disadvantage compared to everyone else.

The game is solo up until 30 and then it does a complete flip and is as of now completely group based. Unless you want to go to the Dark Zone and get gang banged.
I do enjoy the actual gameplay a ton but at this point joining the game anyone will be at a disadvantage compared to everyone else.

The game is solo up until 30 and then it does a complete flip and is as of now completely group based. Unless you want to go to the Dark Zone and get gang banged.
Played solo almost always until they fixed the rehabilitated bug, that bug actually made PVP more enjoyable for all parties, it wasn't usually an instant kill fight, gave some longevity to encounters. Playing as a solo rogue it was essential for hit and run tactics, having several people chase you through the underground, turning and picking them off one by one. Now with the way the game always has you stuck in combat you barely regenerate and spend half your gaming time going to safehouses for med-kits. Boring.

Have not played for close to two weeks now, the patch notes today are a joke, 3 bugs fixed nothing else addressed and then in their live stream they just said "we hear you, we are working on stuff"

I really hate how gaming companies can take money and give substandard alpha games now, should be illegal to sell pre-orders or they should have to submit a legal document stating what will be in the game at release and if 100% of those items are not in the game at release they are required by law to issue refunds when requested.

Preorders and DLC has killed gaming is so many ways, hate to say it but WOW and even EQ had the best sytems in place, monthly fees and great content. I'd pay 10-15 a month for 3 teams to be pumping out content for games like destiny, a new raid every two months so each team has 6 months to pump out their stuff.


FPS noob
FUCK NO i'm so glad to escape the tyranny of monthly sub fees. all those companies did was collect $15/mo and do fuck all with it, and with those games once you unsub the decision to resub is like committing to a girl, do you really wanna put in that time and money in again?

You just have to go into these games with your eyes open. A bunch of us said this game was gonna be fucked on PC, since it was so easy to cheat. We said the game is 50-80 hours of content and then stop playing. Don't buy the season pass. If you did all that, you should have a pretty good experience with the game. I enjoyed leveling to 30, I enjoyed running a week of challenge modes and DZs. Then I traded the game in, and I will rebuy when its $25 for the gold digital edition a year from now and the game has a ton of new content and rebalancing. They will still never be able to fix the PC version though, since going from trusted client to server data model is a complete rewrite of the netcode.

I haven't had a Destiny session longer than 1 hour for 6 months now, but I still occasionally boot up the game and PVP a little. I really enjoyed Destiny, but knowing when to stop playing these kind of games is really critical to that. As long as the game gives me 40+ hours of what I consider fun, I consider it money well spent. The best part of these games too is at launch, when nobody knows anything and everyone is on the same page.

I mean you played Destiny hardcore Usha, I don't get at all how you didn't see this game turning into Destiny endgame... for anyone who jumped straight from EQ/Wow into Division (PC gamers) I can understand, but definitely not console guys.


Silver Squire
Tyranny of fees? F2P games, DLC and cash shops are some of the nastiest cancer to grace gaming. Many people playing MMO's pay far more for their 30 - 60 days between inventory, character and weight boosts / other crap than they ever did buying a box and $15 a month. The only people that gain are the super casuals that can log in for free or box cost and play their 3 hours a week and not care that they are gimped. Most DLC out there is total garbage with a few notable exceptions.

As for division, this game had a ton of promise on consoles, PC was always going to be a joke with how easy the game was to hack and exploit. Regardless they completely fucked over the balance and have never really went after exploits in any meaningful way (even use them themselves to cheese content) and managed to destroy crafting. The game wasn't bad, they just executed so poorly on addressing issues and allowed so much exploitation that when combined with the exponential power gains from gear make most of the end game ridiculous and not worth trying to keep up with in a legit fashion. This forces people to expoit and if you do that you'll notice the fun gets sucked out pretty rapidly. There isn't a viable method to advance without exploiting relative to the exploiters so that leaves people not playing.
FUCK NO i'm so glad to escape the tyranny of monthly sub fees. all those companies did was collect $15/mo and do fuck all with it, and with those games once you unsub the decision to resub is like committing to a girl, do you really wanna put in that time and money in again?

You just have to go into these games with your eyes open. A bunch of us said this game was gonna be fucked on PC, since it was so easy to cheat. We said the game is 50-80 hours of content and then stop playing. Don't buy the season pass. If you did all that, you should have a pretty good experience with the game. I enjoyed leveling to 30, I enjoyed running a week of challenge modes and DZs. Then I traded the game in, and I will rebuy when its $25 for the gold digital edition a year from now and the game has a ton of new content and rebalancing. They will still never be able to fix the PC version though, since going from trusted client to server data model is a complete rewrite of the netcode.

I haven't had a Destiny session longer than 1 hour for 6 months now, but I still occasionally boot up the game and PVP a little. I really enjoyed Destiny, but knowing when to stop playing these kind of games is really critical to that. As long as the game gives me 40+ hours of what I consider fun, I consider it money well spent. The best part of these games too is at launch, when nobody knows anything and everyone is on the same page.

I mean you played Destiny hardcore Usha, I don't get at all how you didn't see this game turning into Destiny endgame... for anyone who jumped straight from EQ/Wow into Division (PC gamers) I can understand, but definitely not console guys.
Spronk, agree with you mostly, and I wasn't expecting The division to be much better than Destiny, just not as far off at launch as it was. Really poor design decisions and coding have caused the game to die faster than it should have. I won't be surprised if the Dark Zone DLC actually makes the Darkzone feel alive or more complete, feels like they butchered the game for the sake of selling DLC similar to what happened with vanilla Destiny.

I just hate the fact that developers give us lack luster DLC with the amount of money coming it, you would think Bungie could easily have 3 content teams releasing things on a 6 month schedule each (a content drop every 2 months). Instead they would rather try and sell dance moves(return on investment huge though for this type of stuff or cosmetics). I understand that these massive gaming companies are publicly held companies and profit is king, but destiny would have made another 100 bucks off everyone I know in the past year if they released 3 major updates at 33 bucks. Instead they made nothing off me and maybe a few bucks off a couple of people I know who just had to have the zombie dance.

Is content really that hard for them create? Mostly just level creation and scripting and what not. Art, animations, textures, sound all there unless they introduced a new race or types of enemies. Math in my head makes it very viable, I must be missing something.


Log Wizard
We did the sub thing with Wildstar. It didn't work. One could argue it didn't work because it didn't garnish enough casuals to keep the cash coming in, but either way. It didn't work. Sad days.