Too much time at work, suggestions?


I'm an independent contractor with a security clearance and I just snagged 3 month contract with a finance company helping with a migration.

Today was my first day and I meet the IT folk and talk to them about what I'm supposed to do, they take me to a conference room filled with laptops. They say they cannot touch them due to the information on them and that my job is to image them with this new software.

The laptops cannot leave the room and I'm the only guy in the IT sections allowed to touch them, imaging them is plugging them into one of the 8 docks and hitting F12 and typing in my credentials. It takes 2 hours per image roughly.

They are paying me $40 an hour to do this until December 1st. I have this feeling that I'm missing some integral step but they assure me this is all I am to do.

What do you guys do during your downtime in the office? I need to buy a PlayStation or something.


The Scientific Shitlord
Just log into the NSA satellite archives and 'research' nude beaches or celebrities that like to get full body tans on their roofs.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I used to play EQ back in the day when I owned the company and the shop had to work nights.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Self improvement. Study a foreign language, do an EdX course, learn a programming language, etc. It's not often you get paid to improve yourself.


Buzzfeed Editor
Self improvement. Study a foreign language, do an EdX course, learn a programming language, etc. It's not often you get paid to improve yourself.
^ this shit right here. I spent my last job doing that, and I am now at a much better job. Some of the guys I know back there didn't take advantage and instead fucked off watching Netflix or whatever. Which, you know, whatever, there's always time for that. But prioritize self-improvement. Those guys stuck back there at the old job, they are full of regret and anger.


A Mod Real Quick
To go along with that don't miss out on getting paid to take a shit everyday. Seriously don't do it at home anymore, always at the office and always not on your lunch period.


what Suineg set it to
This, I've said it before in another thread, don't waste the opportunity to improve your career on their dime. Spend it self-learning and then come out the other side with ability to demand a higher wage.
Not to mention, I've never seen anyone bitched at for researching/doing things for self-improvement at least in the general sphere of possible utility to the company as long as the work is getting done timely. I am lucky I have enough reports and queries to run every day that I can keep up on the news, legal developments in several spheres, etc.