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Keys are constructed to avoid tritones. You've got to go modal for those.
So yeah it they're using thematic tritones they're intentionally slipping out of key. And it's super common in metal. The tritone is a strong, unstable interval that lacks a strong resolution.
They can either sound hackey if used poorly or ominous and disturbing. It's hard to make them pleasant, but it is contextually possible.
nah not thematic tritones really, in this instance we're just talking about them going to the bV5 power chord in a riff, not an effect that usually sounds ominous / disturbing in a rock and roll riff context. idk if we can really say that's what they're doing here tho, because between that and the G# bass note rather than the G we'd expect over an E power chord out of B Aeolian, we now have two notes we'd have to annotate as being out of key. probably easier to just call it by whatever exotic name it would have, i'm not sure what it would be tho, because then we're getting into modes with 1.5 step intervals, and i don't know those by name at all.
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