So the fundamental symbols that have been used to write sheet music for hundreds of years and are taught to elementary school concert band students are gibberish? This shit is super basic, and it's not my fault that you've been playing as long as you have with an incomplete musical education. Learning them and using will make you a better musician. But I don't expect you to believe me, you're clearly much too proud to admit that you, of all people, don't need to use dynamics. Yet you think you have ground to stand on and call me a music douche? I'm a music douche because I (and coincidentally, also the guys in Tool) paid attention back in grade school when they were teaching us the simplest basics of how music works? Get the fuck over yourself.
I'm going to do you a solid bro. I'll actually waste my time replying to you, in hopes that perhaps it will lift the veil of music douchery that you live under. Perhaps it will make you a better person, or help you not look like a complete fucking retard when you open your mouth in front of actual musicians.
Let's start with the basics, k? First, don't throw out terms like dynamics, phrasing and articulation unless you actually know what they are. In fact, don't throw them out at all unless someone is asking you to describe a preamp or a humbucker to another guitar player. When you try to name drop music theory tidbits in conversations with non-musicians, they don't care. When you try to do it to actual musicians in an attempt to make your point, they still don't care, they just laugh at you and make fun of you in forum threads like this one.
Now, let's move on to this, where you one again try to get all music snob on us.
douche_sl said:
Can you personally pick up an electric guitar and play the 46 & 2 intro piano staccato palm muted?
Well I'll answer you. Yes, I can. Because what you're describing there is an extremely easy, ultra-basic technique that most kids who have been playing rock or metal can do after they practice for a few months. It's something that long time metal players (like me, and the rest of the FoH crew who populates the guitar thread) can do extremely well, because even an easy technique like that is something that you can put your own stamp on with (here it comes!) articulation and dynamics. See how that works? When you try to music name-drop a skill in order to give yourself more "Tool cred", you just sound like a fucking idiot. I may as well cockwave to the rest of the site how fucking awesome I am at using a pizza wheel, because your attempt at cockwaving is about on par difficulty-wise as slicing up a DiGiorino pie.
Moving on...
The cuntolanche of fail from you continued when you threw this out at me, keeping in mind that it does say "The guitar guy" under my avatar and that I have about a dozen or so shred videos posted in the guitar forum.
douche_sl said:
Seriously, if you want to learn things about subjects you know jack shit about, all you have to do is ask questions instead of running your mouth like you're not completely ignorant.
I'm actually going to indulge you here.
Here's my Youtube channel.It's mostly gear demos and not a lot of "performance", but I think the average person on here would agree that I can play. Discounting the fact that there are major brand logos on my personal website because I'm endorsed by those companies, and the fact that I am typing this pointless post to you with a $4000 guitar in my lap, there you go, hate away. I'm sure your Adam Jones Epiphone is nice, and I'm sure that nobody who isn't a guitar player knows that it's a cheap knockoff that you use to Air-Tool out to your favorite dynamic jams.
For the rest of the thread, you guys can skip all of that bullshit up there because it's all fucking pointless. Here, young Melvin, is the point you need to take home: If you are going to make music, the most important opinion of your shit is the one that a non-musician has. Musicians don't enjoy music more, or "more correctly" than non-musicians. It's exactly the fucking opposite. I know this, because I am a musician. We over analyze shit to the point where we can't even enjoy it anymore because we are always focused on the individual parts. Non-musicians hear a song and think "hey, that's a great song", because they don't give a shit about all the stupid bullshit that musicians do. It's their opinion that counts the most.
So when you link wikipedia pages to phrasing and dynamics, in some wtf-are-you-serious attempt to discredit a bunch of fucking 12 year old kids because they aren't properly expressing the true vibe of Adam Jones that only you understand, you aren't doing anything other than making yourself sound like a typical Tool Douche in every sense of the word.
And then you get made fun of for a few pages, which is what is happening right now, Maynard.