I get the feeling on most top ten lists and usually most award lists for movies its not really based on the individual persons liking of the movie. I never understood someone saying like oh "this one" is my favorite while "that one" should win the award for best film. I feel that the movie I enjoyed the most is my top movie of the year. I have seen Moonrise Kingdom 3 times and could watch it 3 more times in the next week and still enjoy it. That is why that movie is number 1 for the year for me. I think that the people that write these lists or are critics sometimes base their choices on things other than their sheer enjoyment of the film itself.
I saw The Master and did not understand the hype. I still don't understand people rating it well besides Phillip Seymour Hoffman yet again quietly being the best male actor of this time. Joaquin Phoenix was as he usually is, unfocused, rash when not needed and completely without any seeming direction. This movie honestly made me want to walk out, the only reason I did not was because I was with a group of people. I was bored and felt the movie was empty and devoid of anything redeeming.
Argo was an ok movie but again why all the hype? Ben Affleck is an abomination as an actor in my opinion. This movie did nothing to change my mind. I mean what part of this movie was unpredictable at all. It was watchable at best and certainly not some great cinema.
Zero Dark Thirty, is there anyone who saw this that could say the movie did not go exactly as you thought it would. I mean the movie played out as banally as possible. It was as exciting as driving a car on a track that connects to the wheels were you don't control speed or turning. This movie is nothing extraordinary, typical and average as it gets.
Dredd, I did not want to see this movie. I somewhat enjoyed the first one because I was young, stoned and drunk at the theater. That movie was perfect with a group of friends who are on one thing or another. It was nothing great by any means. The new Dredd however was surprising and completely satisfying. The difference between Dredd and something like Zero Dark Thirty is that Zero Dark Thirty is exactly 100 percent what you think its going to be. Dredd is not at all. Dredd is funny and exciting in a way that few films are. Anyone who see's Dredd will be genuinely surprised at what they saw over what they thought the movie would be. Dredd is worthy of top 10 of the year although low in the pack.
I have thoughts on most of these prominent (to these type lists) movies but figured I would share those for now.
If I made a list it would look like this:
1. Moonrise Kingdom(The movie Wes Anderson has always tried but failed previous. I thought it was just great and profoundly funny.)
2. Beasts of the Southern Wild(I was totally brought into this world and enjoyed the hell out of it)
3. Django Unchained(Just a great movie, very tight very well done in all ways.)
4. End of Watch(This movie should have been better to be honest but still damn good. They could have done so much more with a different pair of actors but its a testament to the director/producer and writer how good it still was.)
5. The Hobbit(I am not sure how folks did not like this. The Hobbit had to have huge, discernible differences in the world and portrayal than the other movies. Peter Jackson should just keep doing Fiction classics as he does them right.)
6. The Avengers(A fun and great movie. Definitely proving to be better than the sum of its parts. If only they chose someone better for the Hulk it would be higher on the list.)
7. Marley(A great documentary type film. Most folks don't mention this movie and I am not really sure why. It was great to watch and left me completely satisfied.)
8. Flight(Denzel is very good in this movie, bordering on perfect. I read some reviews where they claimed Denzel's drunken character was too familiar and not showy. Isn't that a good thing? Some scenes are done so well its hard to sit still or not feel extremely squeamish. The movies only issue in my opinion is the typical, hollywood ending, everything else is very well done.
9. Safety Not Guaranteed(A totally out of nowhere great flick. I cannot see how folks do not enjoy this movie to be honest. I walked away completely surprised and wanting more.)
10. Dredd(A much better movie than anyone would think. Dredd is not a redone Judge Dredd(Sly Stallone=() but a movie of its own. Its funny and much more reliant on and true too the comic books. The visuals are great and you owe it to yourself to see it in 3D if you can. It holds it own without 3D but is more accentuated and actually a movie that benefits from the 3D instead of just a gimmick. Finally a movie that uses 3D right!)
Honorable Mentions :
Ted I loved this movie. Its not going to win awards but perhaps that endemic of the award culture itself.
Killer Joe A great movie that will surprise most people with how enjoyable it is.
21 Jump Street See Ted. A comedy that delivers on comedy. As far as pure laughs go this and Ted are only beaten by Moonrise Kingdom.
Dark Knight Rises I liked the movie more than most. It reminded me somewhat of the movie The Siege at times and I also love me some Batman.
Perks of Being a Wallflower I enjoyed this movie while most folks I know either would not watch it or did nor really like it.
Dishonorable Mentions:
The Master One of the most unwatchable, banal, garbage fest movies of all time. I don't understand this movie being anywhere near a top ten list of anything but the most wannabe artsy fartsy, trite shitfest movies of the year. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about this movie.
Snow White and the Huntsmen What the hell was this abomination? I mean this movie was awful on a level rarely seen.
Prometheus A brilliant cure for insomnia. I fell asleep during this movie three times after which I decided it was not meant to be.
Taken 2 The first Taken did not need a sequel. The first one capitalized on the surprise of seeing an old fart kick a lot of ass. Its not suprising the second time around and actually it started to become unbelievable. Watching Taken 2 has actually decreased my memories of Taken. If that is not an indictment on a movie I don't know what is.
The Campaign I could not wait to see this movie. I really like and identify with the comedy of both Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis. I did not laugh or enjoy in really any manner this movie though. I actually turned this movie off a few times to watch something else new that I dl'ed because of how boring and unfunny it was.
The award for worst movie of the year was John Carter. What an absolute disaster and waste of money this movie was. Its not as though they couldn't see some of it coming you would think. The acting was beyond atrocious and the direction was extremely loose. The movie also never seemed to grab you into its world or make it believable. The holes in the plot were earthquakes. Can anyone even think of a more overhyped, spendy super bomb like this in recent memory?