The wingman's role is to support aerial combat by making a flight both safer and more capable: amplifying situational awareness, increasing firepower, and allowing more dynamic tactics.Can someone explain the importance of "covering your wingman" in the 2v2 of the first movie?
If you and your partner are on the first enemy, what's stopping the second from taking out the guy covering the wingman?
. The 2nd fighter has to be careful taking the shot as the Wingman could maneuver in ways that allow for a potential hit on the primary target
Then he works out for 2 to 3 hours. Not like the rest of us. Tom has a ton of drive and he works very hard at making movies. Drive and hard work tend to pay off over time.
I give him a pass for his personal life, scientology, etc. Because he doesn't talk about it, hasn't had any "public" scandals, and he tends to make the kind of movies i like. Don't really want to know who my favorite actors are as a person. Gets in the way of the character he or she is trying to portray.
That could all change over night if something strange / unforgivable about him came out and ruined his public image though. Just being in a semi cult isn't enough.
eh i have no problem with Tom Cruise, hes literally from my neighborhood. i'm very happy with his movies, even the scenes where loses his shit and his voice gets all high pitched and squeaky so i bust out laughing. just saying the guy may be a workoholic perfectionist, but he isnt immortal, he has help and he can afford the best.Then he works out for 2 to 3 hours. Not like the rest of us. Tom has a ton of drive and he works very hard at making movies. Drive and hard work tend to pay off over time.
I give him a pass for his personal life, scientology, etc. Because he doesn't talk about it, hasn't had any "public" scandals, and he tends to make the kind of movies i like. Don't really want to know who my favorite actors are as a person. Gets in the way of the character he or she is trying to portray.
That could all change over night if something strange / unforgivable about him came out and ruined his public image though. Just being in a semi cult isn't enough.
I didnt watch the original one for the fucking love story. Tell me about the fighter sequences!
wow thats a real plane and shit not CGI fuckery
Also, on your rant, North Island 100% has a runway capable of landing a jet. Why they decided to say the Top Gun school was there, I don't know, but it's definitely feasible.pointless rantugh I hate when movies get just basic facts wrong. Embellish sure, make shit up, idc, but basic shit? is annoying. Like if you were a marine and everytime some hollywood shit has marines running around with their scopes mounted on backwards or shitty trigger discipline. it's infuriating.
Top Gun is in Nevada, not North Island (San Diego). There is no fightertown, San Diego. In fact, there are no fighters at all in San Diego. There's nothing but Helicopters there. Have you even been to North Island? here's a Hint, it's an Island, a rock in the middle of the ocean. You can see the ocean from anywhere on the island. It doesn't look like a desert as far as the eye can see like you see in this film.
The fighters are all in Lemoore. You know, the place where you filmed this entire movie at? The place you name dropped when you said the nerdy new backseater guy was from?
why the fuck would you bother to claim this takes place in North Island vs Lemoore? Or better yet, why not just say Fallon Nevada? It's not like any of these places have name recognition where people will suddenly identify with the movie now.
Ok finished it. thought it was decent. warning, going to go on another nitpicking rant:
F18s only have 1 fire bottle, with 3 pathways for the fire extinguishing agent to go through, left engine, right engine, apu. Once she blows it to put out the left engine fire, that's it.
All fighters have FLIR pods (the laser guidance system), there would be no need for the 18Fs (2 seaters) to fly along and lase for the single seaters. 2 Seater fighters are basically pointless, they only have 1 mission (FAC-A), other than that they are mostly used as trainers on land. At sea every carrier has 1 squadron of them but really, the dude in the backseat is basically coffee bitch. he just holds things for the pilot. Most female aviators (99%) are backseaters.
In fact most 18Fs onboard a carrier are actually used for tanking (airborne refueling) even though they are the worst jet possible for this role (they are heavier due to 2 cockpits, yet they hold less fuel also due to 2 cockpits, ergo they burn more fuel to fly and have less fuel for the other aircraft taking fuel from them) and the backseater doesn't do anything in refueling missions. Again its basically a pointless aircraft but someone has to do airborne refueling and there is no point wasting an actual fighter (single seater) on it so we use foxtrots. Also when configured as tankers they don't have FLIR pods.
Now you may be thinking "well the pilot has to focus on flying that's why they used back seaters to focus on lasing" and you would be wrong. No way on earth at those Gs are you going to fucking around with tdc (the mouse) targeting with your fingers like that. In a situation like that where you are dive bombing directly towards the thing you are trying to blow up you would just use boresight/velvec slaving and the laser would automatically target the thing you are flying at.
The foxtrots were there for only one reason, diversity quota. ultimately it's a film about maverick and goose's son, 2 white men. Adding 2 pointless foxtrots to the mix adds 4 extra cast members, and lo and behold, black, female, latino, plus 1 nerd to boot.
The only country we sold F14s to was Iran back before 79...So I take it enemy country enriching uranium was Iran but...snow? also they don't have shit for technology, so like the enemy country was supposed to be some Russia/Iran hybrid nation I guess?
Spoilering the posts. They're in the Top Gun thread.I remember the guy posting all about it. I don't know if it was this thread though. I think the posts were like... 2019 range. Maybe even as old as 2018. I don't see any of the posts in this thread, at least.
We heard some rumors yesterday that the Top Gun people were around (the only other rumors had them filming around Thanksgiving, since most of the place will be shut down).
Anyway, my wife said they saw a couple F-14's painted green flying around. They may have been adversary planes, but we generally don't see F-14's here. Also possible that they were F-14's painted to look like MiGs or whatever the bad guy in Top Gun 2 is supposed to be.
There were also truckloads of people driving on the dirt roads near the runway which is something that generally doesn't happen. Likely related.
Not too long ago Half in the Bag was talking about Mission Impossible and how it's essentially just become home videos of a rich guy (Tom Cruise) doing cool shit that we get to pay to watch.
Tom was doing some Super Hornet flying around today. Not sure how much more filming they've got, but I guess he might be doing a few days of it (I didn't go out to the flight line, assuming it's not completely cordoned off with filming anyway).
He's been sitting in the back seat with a stick, and apparently he really wanted to be in the front seat and they said, "Not a chance." Tom then asked how much an F/A-18 costs.
Alright, that was fucking cool. I'm assuming they were just shooting from the ground because there wasn't a chase plane, but they just had a jet flying straight up with afterburners and then diving. It's about 7pm so just at dusk. Never seen afterburners at night like that, but it was awesome. They did it three times. Kind of got bored waiting to see if they were doing anymore though.
Oh, and I did try to record it, but it's so dark that you couldn't see shit.
Nah. In fact, if not for the rumor mill, you'd never even know they were filming. The only reason I do is because I work out near the flight line and there were mystery signs that went up on this part of the base Monday (most people on the base don't have flight line access).
So they're actually filming in our building this week. In fact, I passed a Paramount truck on my way to lunch just now. Pretty neat, although kind of meaningless since I can't actually go watch the filming or anything.
I'm actually a little pissed because I missed the meeting they had where they were looking for extras.
Wow, what a fucking madhouse it's become. All the other filming days I was kind of vaguely aware of their presence, but today they're all over the place.
There are 5 or 6 trailers in our parking lot (Tom Cruise is definitely here; one of my coworker's husband is currently babysitting him since it's a secure facility), dozens of trucks and equipment fucking everywhere. From hearing people talk, it sounds like they'll be filming until midnight tonight. And likely the next couple days. Should be interesting. They took over one of our labs to build into an office, which is strange to me since I feel like you could make an office in a studio for way cheaper. They also got permission to use some base police SUV's that it sounds like will be involved in some kind of stunts.
I wish I could take pictures, but there's no photography allowed here at all. That's why everyone is being babysat, to ensure they're not sending pictures (for some reason they're being allowed to have phones even though we're not).
I'd say there's a good chance our pilots will be doing some flights tonight. Might be able to get some cool video if that takes place. I'll do my best if I see it.
In today's news from...close to...the set. Yesterday afternoon they apparently did a call back to the motorcycle on the runway scene. They used the same bike from the original. Also, confirmed that Val Kilmer and Jennifer Connolly are both here (although I haven't seen them, nor Tom, myself).
In a big surprise to me, as I was leaving work about 45 minutes ago, a Blue Angels jet took off. Unless it's some crazy coincidence, I would imagine the Blue Angels will be making an appearance. It was only one jet and he's been circling for the entire time, so I'm pretty sure they're spotting. I may get an impromptu Blue Angels show tomorrow during work. So that'll be fun.
Not sure what else. I'm sure I'll have more news tomorrow once I get into work. I don't really know wtf is going on. We're going to try to see if we can get on the actual set tomorrow. Apparently the "escorts" I mentioned earlier were the lowest paid government employees we have here for the most part (since Paramount basically gave us a chunk of money, they're trying to stretch it as far as possible). Since we're apparently on the very high side of the pay here, we're hoping we can leverage it into a short "tour."
Took some video of the Blue Angels jet circling my house. I'll edit and post later. Not that it's particularly interesting.
Blue Angels jet still circling. Been almost an hour now. Got a few videos of it going right over the house.
Edit: Video. My other ones were kind of potato looking (hard as shit to get a good video of a jet in the air, especially flying so low). Best one was only a 4 second clip.
So today they had one of our SAR SH-60's flying right outside our building. They kept going straight up about 50 feet and then pulling hard, almost on its side, and then turning around to do it again. Tom Cruise was definitely in the helicopter, because my wife looked at the flight schedule and T. Cruise was on it for a 0800 safety brief.
I also got to go on set today, although, unfortunately they weren't filming at the time. I just missed it by about 15 minutes, because they were out near a little guard shack they built for this where Tom was riding around on his motorcycle.
I'm home early right now because they basically told everyone to leave if they could, because at 4 (15 min) they're going to be doing low flyby's on the guard shack (I think with the Blue Angel jet that's here?). Going to go out in my back yard again to see if I can see anything, although I'm far enough away that it probably won't be exciting. I was tempted to stay there, but it sounded like we'd be stuck for at least an hour. And it's windy and cold, and I see jets flying low most days anyway (our building is at the end of the runway).
Anyway, the set is just a hangar so not super exciting. They had a mock SR-71 made of wood inside (it fooled me, as I've seen one in person and it looked real enough). Also a little office they built. Otherwise it just looked like our normal hangar with a bunch of cameras setup. There's another set in the lab that I didn't see, but I think they're done filming there. In case anyone cares though, they wanted "nerdy" extras for it, because I guess it's actually going to be some kind of lab/research setting in the movie.
If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
Filming at our location will be wrapping up this weekend, and unfortunately, I didn't get to see any of the principal actors (I may have seen some of the others, just not recognized them). My "cool story bro" for today is that Tom flew up his "coffee guy" yesterday who made everyone coffee. My coworker's husband said it was the best thing he's ever drank. So I guess he's worth the money. I suppose if I were that rich I'd have random people I flew all over the country too.
Hey now,I will go see it for sure, but let's get serious about fictional pilots and skill level.
Would "Maverick" even make the top 10?
Stringfellow Hawke in Airwolf would be my #1 draft pick.
Wedge Antilles #2 for sure.
Then it's a !@#$ toss up !