Some things I liked, some things I didn't like.
They kept the Harald Faltermeyer theme, I was worried they wouldn't. I let out a "fuck yeah" when the first chords kicked in
Aesthetically it is similar to the original in some places e.g. Colour palette - Tony Scott used a very distinctive style and I was worried this movie would look more "modern" and feel out of place when next to the original, but you can see they've emulated the look/feel in a lot of places
Was a bit worried by some reviews that made me think it would be a Force Awakens style remake, but it wasn't as extreme as that
Movie was less about dog fighting but I guess that replicates real life?
The dynamic with rooster was better than the trailers lead me to expect, was more fleshed out than just "you killed my dad"
Having his romantic interest be the same woman referenced in the first movie was a pointless reference. Her character was generic romance interest.
It reminds me of Cobra Kai in that it's made with respect for original whilst trying to appeal to larger audience, although it's stylistically closer to the original than CK
Edit: and on that last point, with these sequels it's a balance between referencing/staying true to original and nostalgia/member berries for cheap "likes". There were some moments that I felt were just member berries