

Golden Squire
Upgrading for the sake of upgrading when what I have works flawlessly for my purposes seems pointless. Same reason I never update 90% of the apps I use on my phone.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Using old, unmaintained software opens you to unnecessary security risks. The only possible reason I can see for not using something like qbitorrent or deluge is that you have hundreds of active seeds you don't want to migrate.


<Bronze Donator>
Upgrading can also expose you to unnecessary security risks. Not sure what the likelihood between the two is, though.

I gave deluge a try about a year ago, I wasn't happy with some of its automated features. Specifically, automatically picking up a .torrent file from a specific location and then downloading the files into another based on where it picked up the file.


FPS noob
after the recent btn DDOS i've been looking for a good backup, if you are a btn or what member you can look in their invite forums for an invite to torrentshack. Its ratio-less just like BTN so don't have to worry about seedboxes or maintaining a torrent for days, its pretty small, and they say they delete all logs every 24h so don't have to worry about someone selling your data down the road like IPT. They seem to carry pretty much everything.

i just joined so i can't send out invites, sorry


Buzzfeed Editor
Now that tpb is gone I have lost my source for comics. Anyone got anything for a poor sinner like me?


Registered Hutt
521 was my preference anyway. I don't like TPB's UI. Same reason I used to use mininova.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
edit: nm, fixed it. Never even noticed it was a required password update at the bottom half of the page ... thought ComicBT was down for a while, and then thought I was just banned/deactivated for inactivity, lol.


<Bronze Donator>
Are there any other good ebook torrent sites out there? I usually use myanonamouse but lately I've tried searching for a few books and come up blank.


<Gold Donor>
If you aren't afraid of irc, search this thread for "irchighway". The instructions have been posted a couple of times I believe.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm not having much luck there either lol.

Did some searches for Barry Kirwan, looking for books 3 and 4 of The Eden Paradox, no luck(they have 2 but not 1/3/4). Same with book 2 of The Technomage Archive by B J Keeton (they have 1 but not 2).


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
ComicBT doesn't seem as nice as when I last used it, don't see any big packs of some of the recent DC events (Trinity War, Forever Evil).


FPS noob
btn has changed its invite system, masters no longer get unlimited invites. on the plus side i think everyone can buy em now from the lumens store, so might be easier to get in via a friend


<Gold Donor>
Fucking figures, right after I finally got Master, and spent virtually all of my bonus points on the class upgrade.

I read it further, and no, only Master and above can invite still, so I guess the upgrade wasn't a total waste for me, it just takes something like 900,000 bonus points (if the math someone on the forums did is correct) to buy an invite. It cost me 3,000,000 to upgrade to Master, and I currently have only 230,000 left, so don't expect invites to just be flying out of people's asses unless they have been Master rank for a long time and had nothing to spend their points on. The next class, Overlord, gets unlimited invites still, but is virtually unobtainable as seen below.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Holy shit with the Overlord rank requirements!

Still waiting another month or so for my Elite status. It's probably going to be a hell of a long time after that for further upgrades .


Buzzfeed Editor
I never tend to stay long with these niche trackers because I have no idea how to build ratio enough to meet the requirements. I'm trying, though. But like with comicbt everything either has no seeder or has plenty and so I download and sit there... hashtag first world problems, bros. idk, I want to figure it out with this one because I like this site. Already picked up a couple of series I wouldn't have otherwise.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Without any sort of a bonus point system... on a normal home connection, it usually comes down to seeding what you've snatched for ridiculously long periods of time--and seeing very gradual gains over time. This usually requires a ton of extra storage to do effectively. A much easier solution is a seedbox, but that depends upon having the funds to do so.

Admittedly, it's hard to wait it out for things to seed. Especially when you see a shitton of other stuff you want on that tracker. Your not the only one.


<Gold Donor>
I never tend to stay long with these niche trackers because I have no idea how to build ratio enough to meet the requirements. I'm trying, though. But like with comicbt everything either has no seeder or has plenty and so I download and sit there... hashtag first world problems, bros. idk, I want to figure it out with this one because I like this site. Already picked up a couple of series I wouldn't have otherwise.
You mentioned ComicBT so I think that is the tracker you are talking about, but I'm not 100% sure due to the way you worded it. Assuming you are, their system is actually better for you because it has nothing to do with how much you seed, just how long. Sure, it means you need to let the stuff sit there for awhile (not sure what the time is to earn back 1:1, and I see conflicting numbers on the forums vs. the FAQ), but it doesn't matter if you have seedbox speeds or dial-up, it just matters that you are connectable for X amount of time. It does mean that starting off can be a bit slow though, and there is no way to dive right in and earn massive upload credit if you do happen to have great speeds.

I managed to get in before they changed the system, and right before a site-wide freeleech, so I have a fuckload of carats. If there is a way to transfer them to another user, I'd be happy to send you some. I can't see a way to do it though, outside of making a specific torrent freeleech just for you, which seems kinda dumb.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and look for diamond torrents, which are freeleech and will do nothing but earn you positive carats for as long as you seed them.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
I could go for a ComicBT invite if anyone wants to throw one my way. I can trade an ipt invite or a myanonamouse invite for it if someone needs one of those.