Trakanon Raider
I mean, it's not really a coincidence that as the Travelers saved more people by stopping mass casualty events, the frequency of said events increased and at shorter intervals. What often did change however was the cause and reason for many of those incidents. MacLaren's success in stopping Helios in s1 and Philip consistently breaking protocols in s1 are both direct and indirect catalysts for the majority of what happens in s2 and s3 as it results in the birth of the Faction. One of the things the Faction believes in is decreasing the human population to change the future, not saving it, and they use the knowledge of the disasters of the future to bring it on and at a faster pace.
Things quicken during s3 because of
Things quicken during s3 because of
their alliance with 001 which for the first time gave them the financing they needed to actually start shit where before they literally had to rely on all support from the future that only was able to come when the Director was temporarily KO'd.