Today on the news i see a ton of black people protesting. At one point a black guy gets interviewed and says:" what if a white kid got killed by a black guy, would the black guy be found guilty? Yeah i think so. But if it was a white kid who got shot in the exact same circumbstances but by a black guy, and the black guy was found not guilty...would they still be protesting? Fuck no, they would only give a rats ass if the black guy got sentenced to jail. Amazing how that works huh.
It's amazing how the racism card gets pulled on every occasion, and white people have jack shit to do against it.
If zimmerman was pablo or chang or he who walks with buffalo, black people would have barely cared. If treyvon was white or any color but black, the blacks would not have cared. But because treyvon happens to be black, and zimmerman happens to be white, shit hits fan....
shopkeepers in LA are boarding up the storefront yet? Excellent opportunity for tyrone and shaniqua to get their new flatscreen tv.