Hey Pop you gonna reverse troll this year if the show ends up sucking?
No! Because there's such thing as reverse trolling, just trolling!
I probably won't even watch it in real-time. Dropped HBO and TD3 doesn't seem interesting enough in either direction to justify re-subbing. Lightening in a bottle struck twice, first with season one being great and all the crazy meta commentary, and then with the 2nd season being terrible but with a lot of confused bandwagoners trying to hype it. Season three will probably just be average, and boring, sadly.
Basically, this show has run the McQuaid course of EQ being great and setting an unreachable expectation for many, VG having delusional fanboi hype, and Pantheon taking forever to just probably be really average and boring... only difference is Nic Lotsapizza actually managed to release his Pantheon, though I'm not sure anyone will care.
Or True Detective will be good enough people will claim anyone who doesn't like it is racist... which could be entertaining.
Hey now, you can be a racist and still have valid reasons to not like it.
This story/promo from NPR's All Things Considered has me hella hype for season 3:
thats silly too cuz everyone who has watched any cop drama has Alonzo as a top 5 favorite popo, not even a black popo, just a popo.Hey now, you can be a racist and still have valid reasons to not like it.
I may be retreading old ground here but Pilzaasrato: A) is from SW Louisiana so "blue balls in your heart" coming out of characters you have heard speak your whole life makes a lot less sense, the characters he was writing were much more familiar to him and he was able to write them more capably toward the philosophical bend he was trying to put them toward in S1; B) he had forever, years and years, to write and re-write that first season; the 2nd season he only had like 8 months to crank them out, set in a new location, high on his own supply and trying to recapture lightning in a bottle. Pearl Jam (the example I probably previously used for this and for all things like this, but it happens to lots of bands, people, etc) had like 15 years to put together the songs that made up Ten and whole album was awesome, then the next one has to be churned out fast because the mass audience can't wait for next season, and thus the sophomore slump (in Pearl Jam's case Vs.) is born. HBO was wise to give him time and let's see what he can make S3 be.I just finished season 1 again a few days ago - I know MM gets a lot of the love from the season (and deservedly so), but Harrelson was fucking amazing as Marty. Looking forward to tonights premier, think Ali is a great actor and can carry a series. Just hope this one is well written.....
I loved Vs. It's my favorite album of theirs next toTen.I may be retreading old ground here but Pilzaasrato: A) is from SW Louisiana so "blue balls in your heart" coming out of characters you have heard speak your whole life makes a lot less sense, the characters he was writing were much more familiar to him and he was able to write them more capably toward the philosophical bend he was trying to put them toward in S1; B) he had forever, years and years, to write and re-write that first season; the 2nd season he only had like 8 months to crank them out, set in a new location, high on his own supply and trying to recapture lightning in a bottle. Pearl Jam (the example I probably previously used for this and for all things like this, but it happens to lots of bands, people, etc) had like 15 years to put together the songs that made up Ten and whole album was awesome, then the next one has to be churned out fast because the mass audience can't wait for next season, and thus the sophomore slump (in Pearl Jam's case Vs.) is born. HBO was wise to give him time and let's see what he can make S3 be.
This story/promo from NPR's All Things Considered has me hella hype for season 3: