Trump or Hillary - FOH Poll


  • Trump

    Votes: 209 56.9%
  • Hillary

    Votes: 114 31.1%
  • Libertarian-Gary-Abstain

    Votes: 44 12.0%

  • Total voters


No he doesn't. But what he does have going for him that would be beneficial to the public is that the press would largely antagonistic towards him. That's a good thing. The press should be antagonistic towards those in power.

The things that Hillary may be able to accomplish with a sycophantic press aren't something I want to find out.
Being antagonistic is not in itself a virtue if its manifested in twisted narratives, out of context soundbites or gross caricatures.

Also, when the media are working properly, being politically aligned with the president does not mean putting him or her above criticism.

I suspect even the somewhat disfunctional media currently on offer will return to something more resembling journalism should Clinton get elected.


Millie's Staff Member
There's hope for the greatest nation in the world after all. Please don't elect Mr. Crazy. At least we know Hillary will have a stroke and vice president Tim Kaine can take over - white and sane.
Mr crazy is going to save america from ruin. Better get used to it.


Musty Nester
She doesn't seem to be doing to well.

I dunno man. She high handed her party's nomination, she kept her ass out of court for the email shit, she's raking in bucks even if she loses... and it's still pretty much 50/50 on if she's going to lose at all. There is just not enough mud that you can throw at this woman. I hesitate to call it mud, because it's shit that she's actually done. Mud-slinging more implies varying opinions.

she seems to be doing OK to me.

I was thinking the other day about the progression of scandals. We've moved past character attacks in this election into the realm of the truly quasi-legal. What killed Kerry? The Swiftboat. That was a character assassination. What killed McCain? Well, Palin did... and his age... neither of those were on the order of "there's some truly, truly hinky shit going on here". And it's basically shit that he did to himself. What killed Rmoney? McBane... which is halfway between a quasi legal scandal and a character assassination. What's killing Trump? Mostly character assassinations, many of them which he does himself no favors in avoiding. And what's the dirt on Hillary? I mean I haven't thought about it enough to truly distill it down into a coherent point. But you've got to admit. Hillary is something different.

I guess you could say they've been assassinating her character for 20 years and she's immune to it now, so we have to escalate. I guess that's probably fair.

Still something different though.


Trakanon Raider
Trump am Repuban. Although I don't identify with GOP that much anymore. I am sick of career politicians.


Molten Core Raider
Hillary am neither

I would be very interested in some further data...Like age and region of the country...I was pretty surprised by the survey results so far...Of course, I'm in Chicago(or as my Uncle calls it The People Republic of Chicago)...So my exposure to the rest of the country outside of a business setting is minimal.


The Big Mod
@a_skeleton_03 would it be possible to put this as an announcement on the site? I'd be curious to see what happens to the numbers if we get the people who don't typically frequent the politics shit in here.


@a_skeleton_03 would it be possible to put this as an announcement on the site? I'd be curious to see what happens to the numbers if we get the people who don't typically frequent the politics shit in here.
Ask @Amod if they want to. I will only do them for site important issues because otherwise I will get into that trap of moderating like Draegan did.
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