TURN: Washington's Spies

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Title: TURN: Washington's Spies

Genre: Drama, War & Politics

First aired: 2014-04-06

Creator: Craig Silverstein

Cast: Jamie Bell, Seth Numrich, Heather Lind, Meegan Warner, Burn Gorman, Samuel Roukin, Kevin McNally, Daniel Henshall

Overview: The story of New York farmer, Abe Woodhull, who bands together with a group of childhood friends to form The Culper Ring, an unlikely group of spies who turn the tide in America’s fight for independence.

Based on Alexander Rose?s book Washington?s Spies, AMC?s TURN tells the untold story of America?s first spy ring. A historical thriller set during the Revolutionary War.

Anyone Watch this is it any good?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, dvr'ed it up, if its any good; between this, Cosmos, and GoT we might need to upgrade our shitty box so we can actually record more than 2 shows at once.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Was pretty good, definitely worth watching next weeks episode
This. With the premiere being 90 minutes I thought for sure I'd get bored, but I actually ended up really liking it and it didn't seem that long at all. Definitely will continue recording.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Wow. You go, AMC! Way to make up for the stink of zombies and bad writing.
After TWD, The Killing and canceling Rubicon just when it was starting to get a bit interesting I was losing faith in AMC and now Turn comes along and gets me all optimistic again. The first two episodes were quite enjoyable and I like the time period and material, hopefully the rest of the season will be this strong.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I finally sat down and watched the pilot episode. Pretty cool stuff. I really like how they're showing the brutality of the Revolutionary War. It's always seemed to me that this war, more than any other American war, has been romanticized way too much. By that I mean, when people nowadays think about World War II, the Civil War, the Vietnam War, etc., they think of the death, destruction, and suffering; however, when people think of the Revolutionary War they think of the grand figures and ideals behind it, without considering that it was just as brutal as any other war.

That early scene in the pilot of the ranger going through the battlefield and stabbing the wounded soldiers without remorse was a great way to show that, yes, this is a fucking war and it's violent.

*Edit* Does anyone else have problems understanding some of the dialogue? I swear some of the accents are just horribly difficult to make out every word clearly. I understand it's realistic, but I found myself actually saying "what the fuck did he just say?" to myself multiple times.


Still a Music Elitist
Just powered through the first three episodes. Show is good. Good dialogue and well-acted. I'll keep watching.
This show so farr has been solid have it co DVR at same time with game of thrones followed by the new show Salem at 10PM on WGN.
I also on sundays download the newest episode of Continuum from Canada on sunday nights last week was repeat on showcase.


Still a Music Elitist
I'll keep watching for now. I'm expecting more stuff to happen. This show can feel uneventful or inconsequential. What happened to the asshole lieutenant? Wasn't he let go to resume his post in Setauket?
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