Turo, the airbnb of Car Rentals


Life's a Dream
Jonathan gave you $25 off your first trip - If any of you want to give Turo a try, use my code to sign up. You'll get a $25 discount on your first trip.

www.turo.com or download the Turo app for Android or Apple.

I recently began using Turo to rent out my '09 VW Jetta Wagon. I really like this service, and I'm getting a lot of rental requests. This is great, because otherwise the car was going to sit unused.
Turo offers free rental insurance for all owners, unless they have rental insurance of their own. As a result, they will take 35% of every trip. If you provide your own insurance, they will only take 10% of each trip (a finder's fee).
You can set up automatic pricing, where the rates will increase during high traffic areas, and decrease when it's slow. Or you could set your own price for everything.

I initially signed up for Turo in November. The day after I listed my vehicle, I had 3 driver requests. 2 of them were for 2-weeks each, and one was only 2-3 days. That one was cancelled because I noticed a few drops of oil when I moved the vehicle, and needed to take it to a shop for them to repair it and I didn't have time to do that before the first driver took possession.

Anyway, I have currently had 2 different drivers. The first (2-weeks) requested that I pick them up at the airport, and the second (1 day) wanted to pick the car up himself. Not a problem. I can charge an extra fee for airport requests to cover my costs returning home. My 3rd driver is at 5:30pm today. my 2nd 2-week trip. Then just this morning I picked up 2 separate 1-week trips. The Turo calendar updates itself constantly, and it automatically adds to my google calendar, which is helpful.

Rent Jonathan’s 2009 Volkswagen Jetta in Honolulu, HI | Turo
This is my listing.

Anyway, I'm really pleased with this service. It becomes an almost passive income, except dealing with drop offs and pickups, if you offer that service. What a great way to earn some extra money by doing almost nothing. If any of you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll share everything I know the answer to.

Apparently they are available in 56 different countries. Wow.
About Turo
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Trakanon Raider
Not to be a negative nancy but assuming you have a 100% booked out car, you're barely making enough money to cover wear and tear on your car. 32 dollars a day for 30 days is only 960 bucks pretax and then after taxes, you're looking around 650 bucks a month for someone to trash your car. There's a reason why rental car companies dump the cars every couple of years, they get absolutely thrashed by people(like me).
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not to be a negative nancy but assuming you have a 100% booked out car, you're barely making enough money to cover wear and tear on your car. 32 dollars a day for 30 days is only 960 bucks pretax and then after taxes, you're looking around 650 bucks a month for someone to trash your car. There's a reason why rental car companies dump the cars every couple of years, they get absolutely thrashed by people(like me).

Just like with airbnb, uber and so forth, this new form of access economy is not about making the people money who are providing the physical goods or services. It's about the service provider getting a cut for providing little more than a website to connect the parties.

Airbnb barely works in the vacuum that is insane hotel prices in major cities and nowhere else, and with all the others the people doing the actual work are barely not starving, and god forbids something happens to them or their property due to the job.

Someone here is actually renting out is his 1967 Pontiac Bonneville for €111/day...

I can see that working out for novelty.
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Trakanon Raider
Just like with airbnb, uber and so forth, this new form of access economy is not about making the people money who are providing the physical goods or services. It's about the service provider getting a cut for providing little more than a website to connect the parties.

Airbnb barely works in the vacuum that is insane hotel prices in major cities and nowhere else, and with all the others the people doing the actual work are barely not starving, and god forbids something happens to them or their property due to the job.

Someone here is actually renting out is his 1967 Pontiac Bonneville for €111/day...

I can see that working out for novelty.
Yeah, that's my main gripe with this whole dumb "gig" economy thing. It's people undercutting businesses by eliminating the ability for the workers to make an income or have baisc protections like a minimum wage. It's a weird Libertarian wet dream with how things like Uber/Lyft/Postmates/Scooter companies and these work by fluctuating prices and over hiring to bring drivers wages down.

It's just the pyramid scheme of the new millennium but instead of a buy in, they are just selling/harvesting your data while doing everything they can to pay you as little as possible.
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<Prior Amod>
Yeah, that's my main gripe with this whole dumb "gig" economy thing. It's people undercutting businesses by eliminating the ability for the workers to make an income or have baisc protections like a minimum wage. It's a weird Libertarian wet dream with how things like Uber/Lyft/Postmates/Scooter companies and these work by fluctuating prices and over hiring to bring drivers wages down.

It's just the pyramid scheme of the new millennium but instead of a buy in, they are just selling/harvesting your data while doing everything they can to pay you as little as possible.
yea, you used to need a legit license to be a taxi driver in ny, all these "medallions" that you see cohen in jail for, now any smoe w/ a car and an app is a driver.

You used to have "commercial" areas designated as hotels, now you have white people tourists slumming it up in Harlem for a week cuz AirBnB, yo!
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Musty Nester
I like the idea, but the practicality of the thing i'm not so sure about.

Moneywise it really is barely worth the upkeep. Even if you have a car that you drive 2,000 miles a year.

It works better with living arrangements because the wear will (generally) be less significant, and if you do have people that rent a room and just trash the place it's a whole lot easier to get the money out of them to fix it. If you've got someone who puts cigarette holes in your upholstery it's going to be a real pain in the ass to get the money out of them to fix that.

Maybe it makes more sense in a metro area. Or a big sprawl area like atlanta or most of california. Honestly in a rural(ish) setting, I wouldn't trust people to not fuck the car up. Not even talking about getting in an accident and doing appreciable damage... which is what you'd have insurance for, obviously.
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Life's a Dream
There's a guy in Waikiki that has a parking lot. I don't know if he's renting it, or actually owns it. In addition to that parking lot, he also has between 70-75 "Turo" vehicles. They're all used cars. He keeps them maintained, but it isn't too bad. And being that the lot is in Waikiki, he's able to charge people $20/night to "store" the cars they're renting from him there. This is in place of the $40-50/night fee that hotels charge for the same service. The only difference is they need a ride over to his lot to pick up the car, or a ride back to their hotel once they drop it off. Unless they're willing to walk 10-15 min.

I would estimate that his total income is in the $750k/year range, before expenses. But I highly doubt those expenses are even close to as much as he's bringing in. Having volume is a great option. I would like to get to that point (eventually), but will start small. 2-3 vehicles. My car is currently renting low because I just started. I'll increase it once I have more reviews under my belt. The guy I mentioned has well over 2000 reviews, so no problem there.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I would estimate that his total income is in the $750k/year range, before expenses. But I highly doubt those expenses are even close to as much as he's bringing in. Having volume is a great option. I would like to get to that point (eventually), but will start small. 2-3 vehicles. My car is currently renting low because I just started. I'll increase it once I have more reviews under my belt. The guy I mentioned has well over 2000 reviews, so no problem there.
Avis and Budget are profitable because they are businesses, not random individuals. Tax law along with laws in general favor them. That is not true of individuals which is why Uber, Turo etc. are not profitable for individuals.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
I dont like randos even touching the outside of my car. Whats next? An app to let dudes plow your wife when you arent banging her? Having insurance aint gonna do fuck all, your car gets totaled you always loose money. It doesnt get totaled you wish it did.
  • 4Worf
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Life's a Dream
Hmm... Maybe we should create a "Fuck someone's wife" app. As long as we're the creators, we could keep a 10% finder's fee for connecting everyone.
  • 2Worf
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Life's a Dream
I know Tinder and Bumble are a thing. But women aren't selling their services on it, the way they would with our app. Maybe you "sell" dates or something. No guarintee of sex, just a date. That way it technically isn't prostitution. I'm sure incel's would flock to that to go on dates with chicks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dont like randos even touching the outside of my car. Whats next? An app to let dudes plow your wife when you arent banging her? Having insurance aint gonna do fuck all, your car gets totaled you always loose money. It doesnt get totaled you wish it did.

I'm bookmarking this because we know the only reason this is not a thing yet is because of Apples prudish store rules. Once that changes, that app is a thing, and I give it 5 years tops.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I know Tinder and Bumble are a thing. But women aren't selling their services on it, the way they would with our app. Maybe you "sell" dates or something. No guarintee of sex, just a date. That way it technically isn't prostitution. I'm sure incel's would flock to that to go on dates with chicks.

Whats Your Price
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Still a Music Elitist
I use Airbnb regularly. It's amazing. Much better accommodations for a much cheaper price. All about that.

This Turo deal sounds interesting. Never heard of it. Car rentals are already pretty cheap though.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The big value for people here is the Turo stuff didn't charge mileage. That shit racks up.


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
I bet you this ends with insurance companies denying claims. You have turned your car into a commercial vehicle and that easily voids most general polices. Also I expect customers to get into an accident and sue the car owner blaming maintenance, without records and receipts you are gonna get thrashed in court. Anyone buying into this bad idea better get a few million dollars in general liability insurance.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Maybe it's the place I rent but I've.never been charged mileage
If you are in one of their club plans you usually get 100 miles a day free or something. At least that is what I was getting from National.