Agreed. That's a fun show to watch. And the actress who plays Mia is drop dead gorgeous.Vegas getting canceled would make me a sad panda.
breaking bad is coming back in juneish i think, Hannibal, and Bates motel is keeping me pretty entertained i would recommend them both. Vikings season ending just left me with GoT on sunday night pretty disappointed with that.For some reason, I thought it had been announced that this was the last season of Parks and Rec. Glad it's coming back.
Where did all the good hour-long shows go? I'm down to GoT, Survivor, and Vikings.
August 11thbreaking bad is coming back in juneish i think
The show was devolving into a disaster that was only halted when Christina Applegate had the foresight to jump ship. NBC apparently had a lot of faith in the show (perhaps since Lorne Michaels was producing), but since it never got the ratings they were looking for, they just kept retooling it, hoping they'd hit on the right combination eventually. After the show went on hiatus for the last time, they were planning on changing it into a multi-camera format with a live studio audience. And it just startedgetting even crazier from there:Up all Night getting canceled kinda sucks. Was semi funny show wife and I enjoyed. Got kinda weird last season having Wil Arnett start a construction company with Applegate's brother, but still had some lol moments.
If there's anything to be sad about with the show getting cancelled, it's that we never got to see just how insane this trainwreck would become.One pitch placed a portal between the two worlds - the single-cam and multi-cam versions - that only baby Amy could see. Another idea put [new showrunner Linda] Wallem and her real-life partner, [Melissa] Etheridge, in front of the camera, perhaps with the action taking place in their living room.
Ultimately, a script was written in which Applegate, Arnett and Rudolph played actors portraying the characters Reagan, Chris and Ava on a fictional show called Up All Night. Off the show-within-a-show, Arnett's character would live at home with his mother, and Applegate's would be dating. Rudolph's real-life pregnancy was being written into the storyline - and included a "who's the daddy?" twist.
Still conjecture but I will keep my eye on it.
Yep. Here'ssourceAt NBC: Deception, Up All Night, 1600 Penn, Guys With Kids, and Whitney dead.
Parks & Rec (no surprise) renewed.