Twin Peaks


Bronze Knight of the Realm
One thing I hope is (ep 4 spoiler)

that sip of coffee at the end of ep 4 makes Agent Cooper remember who the hell he is. I feel like Autism Cooper has served his purpose and its time for him to get to work on the random shit that is going on.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm a Twin Peaks fan and while its return is kind of fan service, I absolutely loved the two episode premiere. I'm baffled at how they manage to recollect most of the original cast, decors and production. The Black Lodge scenes are awesome and I liked the breadcrumbs story.
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<Bronze Donator>
One thing I hope is (ep 4 spoiler)

that sip of coffee at the end of ep 4 makes Agent Cooper remember who the hell he is. I feel like Autism Cooper has served his purpose and its time for him to get to work on the random shit that is going on.

Seriously. Got enough autism Quinn in Homeland this year. Hope the autistic Cooper doesn't last much longer.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Come on guys, that casino shit was classic. HELLooooOOOOOOOOO! And the look on that casino boss's face, that was awesome.

The first guy to do the hello thing was one of the guys from Mr Show. All kinds of people in this.

But yeah, I hope it's over and we start getting old Coop back.
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Got something right about marriage
Finished the first two seasons yesterday on Netflix and went to go watch Fire Walk With Me and it's DVD only. How is that still even a thing? Do people really still use netflix for DVD/Blu-Ray delivery?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Synch's up to well for it not to be some connections between Cooper and the entity.

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Karazhan Raider
Wally Brando and that retarded Corloene accent was good too.

Sucks there's no Harry S. Truman. Nice seeing Gordon, tranny Mulder and the rest. That was Briggs who said "blue rose" floating by.

Now if the Red Room is a waiting room, maybe that new room was the Black Lodge at last.


Buzzfeed Editor
I really liked that episode. I am super impatient for Coop to stop being DerpCoop but whatever. The stuff in Twin Peaks was good, Mike was fucking ROFL, BobCoop was amazing actually.

The shithead kid at the end was Richard Horne. Audrey's kid or did Ben have another? Maybe Jerry?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah I've enjoyed autistic Coop but I'm ready for Dale Cooper again. The Horne kid should have had some sort of mild hint at who he was without having to look at the credits, just have one of the girls mention "aren't you Horne's kid?" or his connection at the bar mention his dad in passing. I do like the theme of "it's happening again" with Shelly's daughter becoming a new Laura Palmer with the coke habit and abusive relationships, hopefully they are rapping up Vegas and we can finally get interaction between characters in Twin Peaks again.

Least Jacoby and Nadine are still nutters, need some Big Ed though. Thinking Laura Dern will show up next episode as Diane since I think she's the last of Lynch's women since we already got Naomi Watts. I'm also seeing a lot of Lost Highway influence this time around with music and atmosphere which I'm loving.


Buzzfeed Editor
I miss the music from the original series. We go long stretches with no music and it gives the entire thing a different, darker atmosphere.

Jacoby was fucking awesome. So much better than any theory I had.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Totally threw me for a loop as to why he was painting them up but so good.

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Karazhan Raider
I miss the music from the original series. We go long stretches with no music and it gives the entire thing a different, darker atmosphere.
The jazz drumming bits are right but more Badalamenti wouldn't hurt.

Buildups everywhere in ep 5.

Dougie's lust for coffee and him saying case files. Yep, Coop's in there.

Bobdale's gone from a leatherclad Jim Morrison to a full fledged character.

Jacoby's slow reveal as a hillbilly twit.

Dougie's car blowing up, Jade and the Great Northern key, Norma, Shelly and a new potentially ill-fated Becky Burnett.

Curious how it all leads back to Twin Peaks.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's hard to be patient when watching these episodes. I want Coop to be back and he's not, it's frustrating. Trying to keep in mind that it is basically an 18 hour movie that Lynch just chopped up and threw some musical guests at the end of, so you aren't going to get some satisfying arc every time. But damn man, enough with fucking Dougie.

That midget with the ice pick had me rolling. My wife, who does not watch the show, turned around just in time to see that and all I hear behind me is "what in the fuck are you watching...". Also lawl at "Jade give two rides" "I BET SHE DID!"

Bitching about DougieCoop aside, it seems like we are getting more focus on Twin Peaks as the show moves forward. I wonder what those pages were that Hawk found. Logic would dictate that those are the missing pages from Laura's diary, which probably contain the reference to Dale being stuck in the lodge (from FWWM), but we will see. The scene with the kid, which happened at the same intersection where Mike confronted and yelled at Leland/Bob, that was hard to watch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah they are probably the missing pages to Palmer's Diary from FWWM, episode felt like filler but I can only assume Cooper will be back in full swing next episode when stabby hitman goes after him. Wish they had done something with Diane but probably next episode too.


The Big Mod
I'm having trouble staying interested in this, new series completely fails to recapture the tone and atmosphere of the original. In the original series it was like 80% soap opera 20% Lynch weirdness, now it seems that ratio has been flipped upside down. Probably because there is nobody from the network pushing back on Lynch's more bizarre ideas.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Naomi Watts though, I am totally digging her. Telling off the gangsters was the shit. And 'I BET SHE DID' was gold.

If I came out of the Black Lodge after 25 years and realized I was married to Naomi Watts, I would probably be okay with stopping right there.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah I wasn't feeling the nagging wife thing at first, but she's doing a pretty good job with it. Her dressing down those gangsters was pretty hilarious.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to fuck Naomi Watts and all, but nothx on that shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Dear god, the number of recognizable character actors in this show is nothing short of astounding.