The dude was big, got caught cheating on his wife with some thott, took like a 6 month hiatus and made amends with his fam, then came back and stepped it up like 1,000%. It is pretty crazy where he is today.
Twitch is a weird community, I bet he could be jackhammering thot pussy on the reg if he wanted. Dude is like the Michael Jordan of Twitch. , most of your streamers are either hot cam skanks or massive soyboi neck beards so I am sure it’s hard to pass up. The character probably went to his head, but honestly I couldn’t care less about his personal life.
In general I see Doc as a WWF westler type he is trying to put on a show, his shtick gets old after a bit but compared to how many low effort people somehow get thousands of views he’s a diamond in the rough. Many YouTubers and Streamers just aren’t entertaining at all.
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