He's gotta be low balling the fuck out of that number after you combine both twitch and youtube subs, donations and sponsorship. He gets like 2-4m views per youtube video.
It seems low to me as well for his last 2 months alone on Twitch. Tried to see when his huge surge began from his old Vods, but it doesn't show viewership numbers.
Even when he wrecking people just as much in H1Z1, as Fortnite he lagged way behind Summit, and the Doc.
worry not, he's still poor compared to rich children who inherit billions.I don't know which makes me sadder, that we live in a society where some jackass can pull in big bucks for playing computer games all day, or that I'm not that jackass... :/
In other Twitch news. Nightblue3 quits LoL and is moving to Fortnite.
I use to watch the dude when he was chill, like 3-4 years ago? Will be interesting to see if he can maintain an audience in FN. I'm definitely not a NB3 fan, kinda wished he'd stay in LoL or fade away.
Nightblue3 officially quits League of Legends • r/leagueoflegendsI don't think he's quit LoL. He usually starts with LoL and moves to Fortnight after he's bored and maintains 6-10k viewers or so.
He's averaging 300+ subs a day so the dude is doing ok.