The only good news is that my lawyer is facepalming and cringing so hard reading this. In case we couldn't paint in in the piece of shit light he is as a human in the beginning, he spelt it all out.
Just stop talking dan. My heart is truly broken for the kids. The best thing my mom did was even though my dad peaced out when I was one, she never said a bad word about him. And to put all of this on the internet? Unbelievable. I watched my stepdads ex wife talk shit about my step dad to their kids and it confused the shit out of all six of them. Then all of the sudden there were sides and everything in between.
Of course your dad talks mad shit about your mom right in front of her, like she isn't even there, so I'm not entirely surprised.
It's been 4 months since I haven't had the kids full time. Having one parent who works full time and then goes to having one less mouth to feed and one less person to clothe and one less person to provide for should be able to afford childcare. Having one parent have a hard time even getting back into the work place after four+ years out neededing to find new ways to afford everything in life while also carrying all of your debt would have a much more difficult time finding childcare for school (which FYI is a place you pay to be instead of being paid to be there).
You don't care about anyone but yourself and your delusions of grandeur. C takes amazing care of the kids and loves them tons and they love him. They're here and I try to get them prepared that they're going back to your place later in the day and my oldest says he doesn't like daddy's house. He just wants to be at mommy and c. A meltdown every time. They both call c "daddy" or "grandpa". I can't imagine him going anywhere any time soon. 4 mo of me figuring my shit out and taking the next right steps...out of 21+ years? Bravo.
Go on some meds, dan. I've seen this mania and depression from family memembers (including yours). I'm seeking help, wtf is your excuse?
Would like to apologize to the board for my outlashes and rage. Was unacceptable. Tyen knows how to push my buttons...and everyone else's on this board. I'm a great mom and I know that and everyone who matters to me knows that